A cat bird doing his best to mimic his furry enemy.
A heron in no uncertain terms letting me know that my pond was actually his pond, and I was free to leave--now.
The mailman racing in a deluge from his truck to deliver to me a package--laughing like a little child filled with delight.
Another of my camouflage friends discovering himself in my house having a chat with Homesteader. Relieved, I think, when I took him back outside--into the storm.
Lightning against gray clouds visible in the daytime. How close . . . 1 2 3 . . .? Thunderation!
Discovering on my morning walk before the monsoon rolled in that an iris covered with multiple buds the night before had decided in the darkness of last night to go all in--ten blooms soft pink in a pool of pastel blue.
Is not the Creator and Sustainer of life worthy of all praise each and every day? "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!" Today it was with the loud cymbals. 

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