Sunday, July 12, 2020

His Quietness

There is an attribute of God that I have been slowly learning as I grow older and older. I still need to pray for it to be evident in my life day-by-day. God's quietness. It is an attribute that is more powerful the more turbulent my life and the days I live in appear to be. I am not speaking of the stillness that God demands from me if I am going to hear His voice and know Him more deeply. (Yes, demands.) No, I am talking about the quietness that emanates from His being when the world and all that is happening in it seem chaotic and out of control. God never frets or worries about what the world is up to. He never fears the outcome. The intelligence and schemes of men to set up a world to their liking--minus Him and the influence of His people--never impresses or alarms Him. The troubles, ills, and struggles that fill my life and expose my weaknesses never thwart His goodness toward me and those I love. He leaves men to reap what they sow--and they always have. And He works in my life to transform me more and more into His likeness. He restores my soul. He shows me the path of righteousness. Nothing is ever out of His control. No plans or thoughts or troubles ever escape His notice or undermine His will, or the certainty of His power to accomplish His purpose in the events of the world or in my life. As He builds into my thinking that truth--His unshakable quietness in the midst of all circumstances--then I, too, can develop an earthquake proof confidence in His omnipotent goodness and be unafraid and unshakable no matter what I see going on around me in the world or in my own life's challenges. I can set aside all fear and simply trust and obey. May my heart be as quiet as His great heart in the face of adversity because I know, I know, I know--that He is in total control of all things all day long. "The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, a shelter in the time of storm."

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