My spiritual growth is not measured by how much I know, but by my obedience to what I know. The desire of my heart must always be because I love Him, I will obey Him. Obedience deepens my love for Him and my sense of His loving presence day by day in my life. And what a gentle Lover He is, the one who stoops to lift me up when I fail. He rejoices in my heart's desire to love Him.
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When God brings chaos, befuddlement, futility, and fear into my life--or the life of a nation, or all the nations of the world--He is standing with arms wide open deeply calling all to return to Him for in His presence is fullness of joy. If I or they take one step in His direction, He will find us. Quickly. If no one else takes a step but me, He will find me.
"God pardons like a mother who kisses away the repentant tears of her child." (Henry Ward Beecher)
The patience of Job rested in his profound faith in the end of the story. "I know that my Redeemer lives and that in my flesh I shall see God."
"All to Jesus I surrender" must be a daily prayer. Only the Spirit's power in my life can make it so.
If God wanted you to keep reliving your yesterdays, He would have left you there.
Affirmation, encouragement, praise, loyal love, gentle exhortation from a humble heart and spirit--if I fail to shower such attributes on those I claim to love, I will never discover--never know--how deeply I am loved by them.
God doesn't send or allow test of your faith in order to give you a "grade." Those tests are designed so that He can confirm for us--in our heart of hearts--that His promises are true and that He is our Faithful Father.
When I struggle with finding joy and meaning in the use of the gifts, calling, and talents God has given me, it's usually for one or two reasons (our both). I'm not getting the applause I want for the way that I use those gifts. Or I'm sitting around coveting the gifts God has given to someone else--why not me? Is there anything more deadly to my Christian walk than spiritual pride?
"Our Creator would never give us such lovely days, and give us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless He meant for us to be eternal." (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
"Faith is the refusal to panic." (Lloyd-Martin Jones)
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