Monday, October 14, 2013


We often find ourselves in circumstances totally out of our control. Life's difficulties seem to pile up, and we long for release. There are certain things we must remember during such times of testing.
First, the troubles are rarely a sign that God is disappointed with us. One of Satan's most effective strategies is to convince the believer that because of his circumstances, he must certainly be in a backslidden condition. It's such an effective lie because it causes us to doubt God's love for us. And we start to judge our love for Him and the depth of our commitment to serve Him based on our circumstances. If difficult, trying circumstances are proof of one's backslidden condition, than the Apostle Paul, for instance, must have been the most backslidden Christian that ever lived. From health issues, to depression, to betrayal, to unfulfilled aspirations, to imprisonment--and the list goes on. And on. And on. Paul had to deal with them all. And it was not because his relationship with God was broken, but because he was constantly walking in obedience to Him.
The second thing we must remember is the need for prayer. We must ask others to intercede on our behalf before the throne of grace. The effectiveness of intercessory prayer is immeasurable. Jesus always interceded for His disciples. Paul was always praying for others and always asking others to pray for him. And we must always remember our Lord's intercessory prayer the evening of the betrayal. He prayed that we would be one with Him as He was one with the Father. Knowing that His prayer will undoubtedly be answered in our lives is a great assurance. He is going to make us more and more like Him. Suffering is one of His most effective tools in doing that. In fact, God will answer all prayers in light of the prayer His Son has made on our behalf. It's a guarantee.
The last thing we must remember is that if we are going to be released from our difficult circumstances, it will be because He releases us. We cannot do it for ourselves. The choice is His--and His alone. His timing will be perfect. And when He is ready to release us, it will be because He can now be glorified through the release. Which means, of course, that we must be willing to give the entire problem and its resolution into His hands. We will find with the release that He is just as He claims to be--loving, kind, wise, and faithful. Until He is ready to release us from our trial, we must continue to live by faith--faith in who we know Him to be, and faith in His promise to reward those who diligently seek Him.
So, in tough times, remember. Your circumstances are not evidence of God's dissatisfaction with you or evidence that you are somehow some terrible backslidden Christian. Probably, just the opposite. Remember to seek the prayer support of others and to trust in your Savior's intercessory prayer for you. It will be answered. The Father will not deny the prayer of His Son. Remember that release will come when He is ready, and you will find Him loving and true--even if you don't see the slightest evidence at the moment that He is those things. What you are going through, others have been through--or worse--and they have found Him faithful. You will find Him to be so, too. Don't spend all your energy trying to gain a victory that only He can gain. There's a reason it's out of your control. Give it to Him. The victory is His--through His lavish grace. Meanwhile be faithful. One moment at a time. If you are still in the trial, it's because He knows you are strong enough to endure it. If you are still in the trial, release will come when He is ready and you are ready. If you are still in the trial, release will come. "No trial has come your way that is too hard for flesh and blood to bear. But God can be trusted not to allow you to suffer any trial beyond your powers of endurance. He will see to it that every trial has a way out, so that it will never be impossible for you to bear it."

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