Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The older I get--and I'm already too old to die young--the more I am convinced that God's revival is the strengthening and upholding of a faithful remnant. That is not a pessimistic view, but an optimistic faith in God's ability to always show mercy, to always have His witness in a dark world. How do you become a part of God's faithful remnant? You develop the traits of perseverance, endurance, discernment, total dependence, and joy.
Perseverance because the road is difficult and long. The Christian life is the most difficult life in the world to live. You are at odds with your culture--sometimes even at odds with the church. The world doesn't understand the way you live and resents that your values are so different from theirs. They consider you judgmental and intolerant just by the way you live. You don't have to say a word.
Endurance because you have to be earthquake proof. It is through the trials of life that God matures you into His likeness. There is no easy road. Only those who are not afraid to embrace brokenness need apply.
Discernment because the truth is always under attack from every possible direction and source. And you are not, without the Spirit's help, wise enough to see all the deception. The Spirit must be relied on to lead you into all truth, into the narrow way, the straight path. One step to the left or to the right can be disastrous for you and for the ones you love. And there is nothing the Devil does better than to mimic the results of the truth through the teaching of lies. Wherever God's seed is being sown, he is sowing his seed as well.
Total dependence because it is impossible to do any of these things without total reliance on the all sufficient grace of God. Only in weakness can you be strong. Only in absolute submission to the life of Christ that is in you can you live right, think right, love right, and always in every situation say the right things about your God.
Joy because it is the strength of the believer, the bedrock of the abiding, fruit-bearing Christian. Joy puts a song in your heart even when it is crushed and broken. Joy turns trials into transformation, the long trek up the road into a dance. And joy rests in the certain hope of one day being in the presence of Him who came from the remnant to be the Savior of the world. To be your Savior--whose mercies are new every morning and whose faithfulness is great.
Join the revival. Plead with God to saturate you with His all sufficient grace that you might remain faithful one day at a time.

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