Our Good Shepherd is in the business of restoration. It is the soul that He restores. Many times there are things in the life and body that because of our carelessness and sin are beyond restoring. But the soul can always be restored to fellowship and love--to the loving embrace of our Good Shepherd. As with a house, no soul can be restored that was not built on a sound foundation. "No foundation can any man lay, save Jesus Christ." The sheep that are His, He is always ready to gently restore to sweet fellowship with Him, walking in the light.
Notice, though, that the Psalmist tells us that He restores "for His Name's sake." So much is revealed in His Name, the expression of His character, the expression of all that He is to His sheep:
Jesus, The Christ, The Lord, The Prince of Peace, The Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, The Morning Star, Immanuel, Holy One, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Beloved, The Dayspring, The King of Kings, I Am, The Author and Finisher of our Faith, The Word of Life, The Righteous Judge, The Chief Cornerstone, The Head of the Church, The Light of the World, The Resurrection and the Life, The Bread of Life, The Door, Alpha and Omega, The Sun of Righteousness, The Bridegroom, The Messiah, Our Advocate, The Son of God, The Son of Man, The Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls, The Good Shepherd, The True Vine.
He is never inconsistent to any aspect of His Name. He is always each of those things to each of His children. Yes, He does all for us because of Who He is. "Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever." His Name is at stake, His glory, His character. So He restores the soul of His struggling, wandering sheep. Clasps them to His heart and whispers, "I Am all these things for you. Let Me love you fully. Trust in all that I Am."
"For Thy Name's sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great."
Restore my soul.
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