Monday, February 24, 2014


There is a phrase in Phillips "The New Testament in Modern English" that most clearly--in my opinion--sums up humanity apart from Christ: "They live blindfolded in a world of illusion." I've quoted that phrase at times in my writings. Some ideas that I've encountered in the last couple weeks--but certainly not for the first time--have reinforced that description for me. One of those ideas is the statement that professed atheists keep making about their not believing in God but at the same time being spiritual people. If someone doesn't believe in God, surely they also believe that man is just a complex piece of matter without a soul or a spirit. How can a physical "being" without a soul or spirit be spiritual? "They live blindfolded in a world of illusion."
The other idea that keeps cropping up in my readings the last few weeks is the idea that humanists are placing their faith in humanity to make a better world. How can anyone look at human history from the distant past to this morning's paper and have the slightest faith that man will build a better world? To me, that is undeniably naive "blind faith." "They live blindfolded in a world of illusion."
The danger that I face when reflecting on those thoughts is pride. Except for God's Spirit taking off my blindfold and showing me my Savior, my thought processes would be just as illusionary. How I must respond is to first in all humility thank my God for His working in my life, and then, on my knees, humbly pray earnestly that He will do the same for those wandering in such a deep darkness--"proclaiming themselves to be wise and proving themselves to be foolish." Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He has by His grace saved me. And as the Light of the World, He calls out to humanity to follow Him, to see Him as He is, the Savior of mankind. Their Savior.

"The Light of the World is Jesus." And He can--and desires--to still cause the blind to see. "He who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." May I plead with Him each day to use me as His light in a dark world.

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