The world is in darkness. The tragedy is that they call their darkness
"light." As Jesus said, "How great is the darkness!" What is the one
thing the darkness needs? Genuine light. Light that glorifies the
Father who is in Heaven.
The light of holy living. We are
called to be saints, holy ones, set apart ones. We are to live lives
distinguished by purity. We are to be distinctive in
our walk. As distinctive as light is from darkness. If we are not, we
have hidden the light under baskets of conformity. We have become a
part of the darkness. We live lives of deceit--to the eternal detriment
of those walking in the darkness and in their blindness.
light of compassion. Visible, undeniable acts of compassion should
permeate our lives. We need the compassion that when it looks out over
our Jerusalem and all its darkness and hatred for the Light of the World
that we are moved--not to anger and condemnation--but to broken-hearted
tears. And action. Need-focused acts of compassion.
The light
of contentment. We need to demonstrate that we are satisfied with
whatever He has given us. We need to live lives that demonstrate that we
are confident in His goodness and that if we need more, that He will
graciously provide more. We need to refuse to bow down to the
materialism of our culture, a culture whose "dream" is financial excess
to feed unnecessary wants.
The light of love. True love is
founded on, rests on, obedience to God. "Love" that is outside obedience
and submission to God's Word is not love at all. Love that flows from
obedience to God is the love that can choose not to love the world and
the things in the world, can choose to love my neighbor as He loves me,
can choose to love my enemies down on my knees in prayer for God to put a
desire in their hearts to come to the Light of Everlasting Love. God is
love. The fruit of the Spirit is love.
The light of
faithfulness. In a world filled with sorrow and heartbreak we must live
lives that demonstrate our trust in His love and wisdom. We must--in
the midst of our tears--demonstrate that He is the God of all comfort.
And that we will rest in Him no matter what. Continue to follow Him no
matter what. And then we must be His comforters to others in their times
of sorrow.
Men will not respond well to the light. It exposes
their willing self-deception. It demonstrates that their "light" is
darkness. Yet, we must shine. There are those in the darkness who are
groping around looking for the light. With our lives and our words we
must bear witness to the Light of the World so that those who are
seeking can find Him.
We must be steadfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord. Yes, being His light is hard work.
But it's a labor of love. And it will bring glory to our Father.
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