Friday, February 7, 2014

Wrapping the Cross

When you wrap the cross in anything--and the most dangerous "wrap" may be nationalism--you greatly undermine the message of the cross. As I've said before the gospel is not "go into all the world and make Americans of everybody." Stop and think about that for awhile and it will make you shudder. And as I've also said before, the church--God's people--His royal priesthood--are scattered like seeds all over the world. And when God tells His Bride to remember the poor, the widows, the orphans among His people (for starters), it means wherever they are in His earth-wide body. Everywhere they are. If I'm not mistaken, the one offering mentioned in the New Testament was the one taken for the church in Jerusalem because they were in need because of a famine. Churches taking an offering for poor churches in need. Sounds like a plan to me.

Political power is the most ineffective power in the world when it come to producing a godly culture.

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