game of Chinese Checkers has nothing to do with China or checkers. Its
rules do correspond, to some degree, with the rules for the game of
checkers, but the game uses marbles instead of checkers. In fact,
Chinese Checkers actually originated in England and was called Halma,
from the Greek word meaning "leap."
The board itself is shaped like a hexagram. It has six colored triangles adjacent to a
hexagon. Even the lines within these geometric figures form triangles.
The board itself is geometric masterpiece. (And you thought you hated
geometry.) Anyway, the next time you want to play Chinese Checkers, ask a
friend if he wants to play the game that requires him to move spheres
from one triangle to another triangle by jumping the spheres across a
hexagon--you know, the English game that is named after the Greek word
and is supposed to be Chinese.
As Christians we need to be aware
that everything or everyone is not what it claims to be. For example,
someone has said that Christian Science is like Grapenuts--It is neither
grape nor nuts. Christian or science. The Apostle John tells us to "try
the spirits," or "test your teachers." No matter who proclaims that
certain matters are taught in the Bible, the Christian must "search the
Scriptures'" himself to see whether those things are so. God has given
believers the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. Remember that
Luke praised the people of Berea for checking what the Apostle Paul said
against the Scriptures. If the Apostle Paul needed checking up on, do
you know of any teachers whose message doesn't require the same diligent
examination? To base your beliefs on a secondhand relationship to the
Word of God is to play into the hands of the many false prophets who
have "gone out into the world." They are neither grapes not nuts.
Chinese nor checkers. They falsely claim to know the truth and are
consequently dangerous to the child of God. They will, of course, be
held accountable for their deception. And you will be held accountable
for allowing yourself to be deceived.
Test those teacher--every one of them. Particularly the ones you trust the most.
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