Thursday, May 1, 2014


Paul tells us that we are to be reflectors of God's glory--of His presence in our lives. Like Moses when he came down from the mountain, our faces should glow with the glory of God. Moses had to hide his face; we are told to shine. How do we do that? The answer is simple, obvious; we spend time in His presence. We look steadfastly into the Word of God that reveals the majesty of His presence. We "turn our eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face." We spend times talking to Him--all day long. I think that at times we spend so much time telling people how to apply the truth without ever letting them see the truth in person--in our walk. If they could just catch a glimpse of Him, just understand more deeply His great love, just for a moment gaze at His holiness, their lives would be changed. And, even more remarkable, the lives of those around them would be impacted as well. Because, as Paul says, when we concentrate--when the focus of our lives are on Him and His glory, then His presence in our lives shines forth for everyone to see. No one will be able to miss it. Perhaps we're--I'm--too involved with wanting people to notice me. Perhaps I'm too busy not spending time with Him.

When you walk into a room, do people know that you have been with Jesus?

Have you?

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