extraordinary disciple is the man or woman who in the routine of every
day life leaves--as simply and as unobtrusively as possible--a sense of
God's presence wherever they go.
The Holy Spirit is my prayer partner.
relationship God wants with us is the intimate, until death do us part,
pure, faithful, committed relationship of the bride to her Bridegroom.
Rich or poor. In sickness or health. I will be totally faithful to You. I
will honor and obey You in all things. Wherever You take me. Until
death brings me face-to-face with You--the Eternal Always Faithful Lover
of my soul..
Jesus wondered out loud: "Will I find any faith when I return?"
Micah was told to go and search for the faithful. He couldn't find even one.
Our response to Jesus' question should be the same as Micah's when his
search came up empty. ::"By God's grace and power, I'll be the one."
If we'll all pray that prayer . . .
Love is an action verb.
stood looking down on Jerusalem and wept for them. And then He went and
died for them. How do you and I respond to our enemies?
No matter the depth of my knowledge, without obedience, I am a fool.
Is there any greater joy than to have someone forgive you? Then, why are we so reluctant to ask for it? Can anyone say "pride"?
The inevitable outcome of discontent is greed.
How quick I am to blame God for the consequences of my own stupid decisions.
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