Friday, June 20, 2014


When by grace through faith we are born again by the Spirit of God, we become reconciled to God. We are transferred from the camp of His enemies and eternally encamped in the Kingdom of His Beloved Son. We have peace with God.
But God also wants us to have His peace in our daily walk--the peace of God. "My peace I give to you." Paul talks about that transition in Philippians four. It begins with our cultivation of a joyful heart--a constant rejoicing in the Lord, resting in His moment by moment presence in our lives. Our unbreakable relationship, sustained by His promise and the sealing by His Spirit should be a constant source of joy in our lives regardless of our circumstances. Whatever loss or hardship we may encounter, to know that He is there with us and that His love and His wisdom are constantly at work should daily fill our hearts with rejoicing in our Lord. We can never lose Him.
We must also be focused on the needs of others. And our focus must be immersed in the gentleness of the Shepherd--stooping down to lift up all those around us who are in need of encouragement and a shoulder to lean on. We must be like Titus was to the Apostle Paul. Just his presence lifted Paul's spirit when he was feeling overwhelmed and depressed. He just had to walk into the same room. (Yes, Paul needed encouragement! Don't be so arrogant as to try to hide your need at times of a shepherd's gentleness.) The key is that when I take the focus off myself--see self-pity in the dictionary--and focus on the needs of those around me, it lifts my spirit as well as theirs. It is an ingredient of God's peace--servanthood. It can transform you into someone who when you just walk into the room, your friends are encouraged.
And then, if I want God's peace in my heart, I must replace my worry and anxiety with prayer. Prayer for my needs, for the needs of those I love, prayers bathed in a thankful heart knowing that He is the God who covets our prayers, who rejoices in them, and who willingly answers them in goodness and love. He always gives good gifts wrapped in the infinite love and wisdom of a merciful, gracious, caring Father. Always.
If I will focus my heart on Him, the joy will flow. If I will focus my heart on the needs of those around me, I will sense His presence in the midst. If I will replace my worry with prayer, I will be strengthened with a thankful heart. "And the peace of God which is beyond human comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." That's a promise from the Everlasting, Omnipotent, God of love who cannot lie.

Peace with God! Yes, forever a child and friend of the Almighty One! Forever!

The peace of God! Yes, mine on a daily basis no matter the circumstances and struggles of my life! And as His peace erects a fortress around my heart and mind, I can continue to day by day love right and think right as a child of the King. His peace! Think of it! Every day! Lord help my focus to be on You, on those around me with needs, and on the power available to me at Your throne of grace.

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