Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Power of a Singing Heart

The Power of a singing heart:

Moses seeing the defeat of the Egyptian army burst into song.
David, a man after God's on heart, wrote song after song after song. God gave a song for his triumphs, a song for his sadness and depression, a song for his joy at observing God's creation, a song for his nights in the fields with the sheep, even a song of repentance when he was flat on his face as a failure.
Habakkuk at the end of his book after he has given one of the most dynamic testimonies in Scripture: "If I lose absolutely everything, I will still rejoice in the God of my salvation--the God of my deliverance," penned these words: "to the choir director on my stringed instruments."
Those who are filled with--under the control of the Spirit--are described as "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with their hearts to the Lord."
And in Heaven, around the throne, at the crucial moment of eternity when "the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David"; "the Lamb standing, as if slain" reaches out and takes the scroll from the Father, the air filled with the incense "which are the prayers of the saints," all Heaven will respond: "And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy art Thou to take the scroll, and to break the seals; for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign upon the earth. . . Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing. . . To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

"Through Him, then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips that confess thanks to His name."

"Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture."

No matter the circumstances--be an off key choir of one if you must--but a song in your heart is the key to triumphant living.

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