The verses I cling to during my most difficult struggles are Romans
8:35-39. It is the truth that brings peace to my struggles, stifles the
fears in my heart and mind, lifts my sagging spirit and places my feet
on the Rock.
There have never been any circumstances in my past that were, or are, capable of separating me from His eternal love.
There are no circumstances that have entered my life today that can separate me from His love.
There will be no circumstances in my future
that can for a moment separate me from His love.
Death will not separate me from His love but take me into His arms. I will see His face!!
My careless sins--my thoughtless actions--from my heart of iniquity will not separate me from His love.
My deliberate acts of disobedience will not separate me from His love.
When others betray my love callously or malevolently--even those who
have sworn in God's presence that they would not do so--I will not be
separated from His loyal, faithful, comforting love. He cares for me.
Always. From His heart of compassionate, tender-hearted empathy, He
weeps with me.
No earthly power can separate me from His love.
If I ascend to the heavens, behold, His loving presence is there.
If I descend into the abyss of death, His loving right hand will hold
me close. I cannot flee from His love--even if in my petty anger and
self-pity I want to.
On my darkest days, darkness and light are alike to Him. His love makes the night as bright as day.
No supernatural power can separate me from His love. The mightiest angels cannot separate me from His love.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing--can ever, for the blink of an eye, separate me from the love of my Savior.
"Jesus, Thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love Thou art!"
"Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by
love's strong cord, overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, standing
on the promises of God. Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
listening every moment to the Spirit's call, resting in my Savior as my
all and all, standing on the promises of God."
Hurting tonight?
Struggling with sorrow and disappointment? Worried about tomorrow's
tears? Stand--rest and be still--trust in the promise of His inescapable
love. And you will know--experientially--that He is God. Your God.