Sunday, September 28, 2014

Making a List

An assignment for an autumn Sunday:
Make a list of all the circumstances from your past that brought (may still be bringing) you sorrow, disappointment, loss, anger, pain, confusion . . .
Make a list of all your current circumstances that are causing you sorrow, disappointment, loss, anger, pain, confusion . . .
Now, go to a quiet place and pray this prayer for each thing you listed: My loving Master and Sovereign Lord, thank you for all the circumstances you have brought or allowed into my life. All of them. I know that each one was necessary for me to become more like You. I know that each one was essential if I was going to be a channel of blessing to all those you are bringing into my life today--all those who need to be touched by your love through me. Thank you for loving me enough to mold me into your image--no matter the cost. It cannot compare to the price You paid to purchase Me.

My heart's desire is to be like You.

"It will be worth it all when we see Him."

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