Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gracious Lives

We are commanded to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." That, of course, is impossible if I am not a person of grace. When I hold grudges, harbor bitterness toward others for past wrongs, or complain to God that my current circumstances are unfair--I have no grace in my life to grow. How can I grow in grace and the knowledge of Him when I refuse to forgive as He forgave, refuse to submit to His will as He submitted to the Father's will, and refuse to cast all my burdens on the One who is perfect grace? How can I grow up into the image of the Grace Giver when I refuse to be a grace giver? Impossible.

We have lost track I think of a dynamic truth--the Church is the body of Christ. There is not the Church in India, the Church in Africa, the Church in Russia, the Church in North America, but only the Church. The predominately Gentile believers in the first century took offerings to help meet the needs of the predominantly Jewish believers in Jerusalem. They, in fact, insisted that offerings be taken to meet those needs. Why? Because it was a mutual--shared--need. If anyone had a need in the early church--the church at its purest--everyone had a need. Thus, everyone else's need was my responsibility to meet. If I was hungry, wouldn't I use my resources to feed my body? Well, the church is hungry. Shouldn't we be using our resources to feed the Body? If I was hurting, wouldn't I do all I could to ease my body's suffering? Well, the church is hurting and in pain. Shouldn't we be using all our resources to help the Body and combat its suffering and pain? In the body of Christ it is never "them." It is always "us." I'm afraid the "eye" is saying to the broken "foot" "Your needs mean nothing to me." It should mean everything to me. One of the greatest evangelistic "tools" of the early church was the great love they showed to one another. Deeds love. When the Apostles preached of the love of God, no one who observed the church doubted that God was indeed the Lover of His people. May the Church, the Body of Christ, embrace the mutual responsibility for all its "parts" scattered throughout the world. When we tell the world that God so loved the world that He gave . . . When we tell the world that Jesus lovingly and willingly gave Himself for others . . . May the world by looking at our actions toward one another be unable to question, let alone deny, that God is indeed love.

"Anyone who claims to love God whom He cannot see but does not love his brothers and sisters in Christ whom he can see, is a liar. The love of God is not at home in his heart."

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thankful Day 5

I am thankful for "Christ in you, the hope of glory," for the sanctifying work of the Spirit gives us:

The empowerment to love--an unwavering commitment to obedience, an unwavering confidence in the Spirit's work in other people's lives; an unwavering spirit of ready forgiveness no matter how deep the hurt.

The unexplainable presence of joy--a sense of comfort in the deepest trials, a sense of hope in the deepest darkness; a sense of strength no matter the weight of the daily cross; a melodious symphony in the heart in the cymbal-soloed cacophony of each day's challenges.

The overwhelming confidence of peace--an assurance in the heart that the victory through the finished work of Christ has already been won; a persevering heart to fight the good fight until the end; an untroubled heart when all circumstantially looks lost; a restful heart knowing the certainty of the room prepared for each one of His children in the Father's House.

The settled practice of patience--the humility to see oneself in others and their struggles; the quietness to trust the timing of the Creator of time; the confidence that God will lovingly do whatever is necessary to make His children more like Him.

The unwavering loyalty of kindness--a tenderheartedness toward friend and foe alike--and equally; a deep desire to show to others the unconditional love that He has shown to His children; the courage to risk one's heart to further disappointment and betrayal.

The Shepherd's commitment to goodness--a longing to bring back "the one" no matter how treacherous the searching; a longing to set an example worthy of following; a longing to lead the lambs to still waters and quiet pastures; a longing to be used in the restoring of shattered souls.

The step by step walk of faithfulness--the understanding that one has been saved to glorify the Savior through good works; the understanding that the disciple's call is to a daily following; the understanding that He alone is one's strength and help in the day of trouble

The malleable softness of gentleness--the wanting to penetrate with His love the hard of heart; the wanting for a humility that spontaneously stoops to lift up lovingly those who have stumbled; a wanting to be broken into the likeness of His sweet servant's spirit by the pressures and testings of life.

The steady surrender of self-control--an eagerness to cast aside personal goals, wanted things, and self-centered interests as trivial; an eagerness to embrace the responsibility to keep another brother from stumbling; an eagerness to go deeper into the Spirit's calling--beyond self-denial to the denial of self; an eagerness to be so saturated with the Word that the Spirit's filling becomes a supernaturally natural way of life.

I am thankful for the sanctifying work of the Spirit in the life of His people. May we never grieve His heart; quench His fire, or despise His purging of the "old me."

Until that day when we shall see Him and the transformation is made complete.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Day Four

I am thankful that I have been regenerated. I have passed from death to life--born again into an eternal life in the presence of God. The power of God has made me a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.
I am thankful that I have been redeemed by the blood of The Lamb. No one else could have paid the price to buy me back from my slavery to sin. No other price could have covered the debt. And He paid it willingly--because of love for me.
I am thankful that I have been justified. He has not only nailed my sinful self to His cross, but He has replaced my sinfulness with His righteousness. My life is hid in Christ. When I see Him, I will be like Him!
I am thankful that I have access to the very throne of God. The veil has been torn in two. My prayers are mingled with the incense of the prayers of all His children--a constant sweet savor to my Father. He has omnipotent power and infinite resources to meet my every need. His heart attitude toward me overflows with grace and mercy. He is the God of Help.
I am thankful that I have the Righteous Advocate--my Savior--to daily, moment-by-moment--defend me before the Father. "I have paid the price, Father, for his sins. He is your son now--my brother--a joint heir of all the things you have given Me."
I am thankful that I have been given the Spirit to seal me until the day of redemption--who can break that seal? To pray on my behalf in agreement with the will of God for my life. To guide me into all truth and then to energize me so that I might lead a life of obedience to it. To sanctify me--lovingly transform me--into His image through the cleansing, pruning power of the Word. To saturate my life with grace and truth.
I am thankful that I am secure in His inescapable love. Nothing that happens to me in this life can separate me from His love. Death cannot separate me from His love but instead will transport me into His very presence--I will see Him--face to face. No power--natural or supernatural can separate me from His love. Neither the most powerful men nor mightiest angels can separate me from His redeeming love. No amount of space can separate me from His love--if I ascend into the heavens, He is there. If I descend into Sheol, He is there. If I ride the dawn, sail on the farthest sea, He is there. His right hand will lead me. If I flee into the wilderness in failure, He is there to call me into His loving grace of restoration. No amount of time can separate me from His love. "With a love that cannot cease, I am His and he is Mine." "Loved with everlasting love."
I am thankful that in a world filled with unspeakable evil and heart-breaking sorrows, a world that causes my heart to cry out "how long"? He softly comforts, "Trust Me. I am too wise to make a mistake. Too loving to be unkind. I weep with those who weep. My heart is grief stricken at man's evil. Be my hands and feet to the sufferers around you and remember: you see things from the vantage point of the moment; I see things from the vantage point of the infinite. I will make all things beautiful in My timing. Rejoice in Who I am. Do good. Can't you trust the wisdom that before the world was even created--before time began--perfectly planned the redemption of your soul? Can't you trust the love that willingly, joyfully, endured the horrors of the cross for your sins that you might be saved?"
I am thankful that He has given me so many things to enjoy--a loving family, loving, patient friends, a beautiful world, gifts to use for His glory--to make His presence known, this day to rejoice in.
I am thankful that unfathomably He has made me one of His "majestic ones in whom He delights." He has adopted me into His family because He wants to spend eternity lavishing me with His love.
I am thankful.
And His heart's desire is to do the very same for you.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thank You Day 3

Thank You Lord for The Acres

I spent much of my life dreaming of life in a cave. Ten years ago the Lord gave me one.

I love the quietness. Oh, the birds sing all day. And hoot all night. The wind whistles, moans, rustles, claps--and loves to slam the door on the shed. And, wow! what it can do with a snowstorm!

I love the solitude. Oh, people drop by and visit once in awhile. I get to chat with my neighbors from time to time. The neighborhood dogs howl at the creatures of the night and kill skunks on my front patio. Occasionally they try to out siren a siren. Successfully in my opinion. Once in awhile my gun goes off when a rabbit or squirrel just happens to be traveling by. Mean spirited gun!

I love the beauty. And the place has such a multitude of "environments." Bright meadow. Glorious wild flower fields. A stand of trees. A bog. A pond. Lots of shady areas and dappled shade areas as well. The variety of the gorgeous is amazing. And though I have added a great deal to the beauty--and continue to do so--it came lustrous. The magnificent pine in the very front and the ones around the house; the ancient maple at the bend of the driveway; the old apple tree, the loveliest of dogwoods and the red crab apples up near the house; the quartet of white crab apples besieging the pond; the wildness of the pond and bog and wild area; the fern, bleeding heart, magic lily rock garden up by the house, and of course, The Sentinel--the beauty of impressive starkness. The Acres came beautified. Myriads of wild violets of every color, spring beauties galore, hawkweed's orangeness, monkey grass in the bog, a wild area full of dozens of unique beauties--all were here long before I came. And, no doubt, will be here long after I'm gone. The birds and the butterflies have prior claim as well. I am an interloper.

It is a perfect fit for my nature. As Wendell Berry would say "My place on earth." And, Lord willing, will remain so until my place on earth is empty. A gracious gift in my old age from the Father who is the Ancient of Days. And "above what we ask or think," it was the ideal place for Mom to spend her last few years on her journey Home. She loved it as much as I do. The unforeseen gift wrapped up in a gift. So much grace in life!

Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to find a quiet, lovely place to mediate on your beauty, your still voice, and your abundant goodness to the undeserving. I celebrate this gift you've given me every day. Thank You.

I love the quietness. I love the solitude. I love the beauty.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thank You Second Day

I hope I'm not being too personal this Thanksgiving time.)

I am thankful that God has a sense of humor. Way back in the dark ages--1946--he brought a quiet, shy, timid soul into this world; a soul that loved solitude, tended toward melancholy, was, early on, "addicted" to the beauty of God's creation. Oh, a lover of learning as well. A year in a cave with a pile of books would be heaven on earth indeed. Then, he called him to be a teacher. (He can never recall a moment in his life when he was not sure that he would be one of those things.) Think of it. Take a quiet, shy soul and put him in an environment where he would be surrounded by hundreds of teenagers--and every forty minutes or so, they all get up and move chaotically to another location as noisily as humanly possible. Perfect fit for a timid lover of solitude, don't you think? I'm sure his guardian angel spends the whole day chuckling. Brokenness was essential too--such a stubborn, selfish person to deal with. But there is no greater gift than brokenness.

The lessons learned--slowly? And multiple times. (See "slow learner" in the dictionary of disciple types.)

He has learned that God can do anything with someone who will accept His calling--no matter how much he grumbles about it at times. (Still struggling with that stubborn, selfish thing.)
Teenagers are easy to love. (By the way, they have a greater sense of brokenness than old folks seem to realize.)
Teenagers love you back--faults and all.
It's astounding what you can learn from teenagers.
By God;s grace you can live a quiet life in the middle of utter chaos.
If such a creature somehow makes a difference, it can only be the grace of God and thus, to God's glory alone. Who but God can use a square peg in a round hole?

Thankful that the God of infinite patience has a sense of humor. (I wonder how often that guardian angel goes from chuckle to guffaw?)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thank You

I am thankful that I was raised in a home where love was action not words.
I am thankful that I was raised in a home where even though we didn't have much there was never the slightest hint that we didn't have more than enough.
I am thankful that I was raised in a home where music was always just waiting to happen. And usually not too long.
I am thankful that I was raised in a home where church was a highlight of the week, a family "outing"--and no one seemed to mind that church was on Sunday night and Wednesday evening too.
I am thankful that I was raised in a home where the beauty of God's creation was always viewed as extraordinary.
I am thankful that I was raised in a home where Christ reigned and the Word was adored,

Sometimes it is all too easy to forget to say "thank you" for all those blessings that you did absolutely nothing to earn or deserve. I was immersed in God's grace as a child. My life is a miracle of His love.
Thank You Father.


Those who are ready for His coming .. . .

Daily arm themselves with faith, hope, and love.
Rejoice that the purpose of God was to rescue them from His wrath, to provide salvation for them through His Son, and to live together with them forever.
Encourage and edify other believers at every opportunity.
Show a deep appreciation for those He has placed in authority over them. Esteem them in love.
Live in peace with one another.
Admonish the undisciplined.
Encourage the fainthearted.
Help the weak.
Be patient with all men.
Repay evil with good. And with interest.
Pray without ceasing. Covet intercessory prayer.
In every thing give thanks.
Don't quench the Spirit by despising teaching or by living on memories.
Examine everything to see if it is indeed good. And then, if it is, grab hold and don't let go.
Abstain from even the appearance of evil.

"Lord, make me as holy as you can make a sinner saved by grace." Thank you that You who called us will be faithful to bring it to pass.

"Even so, come Lord Jesus."

Excel Still More

Paul praised the church at Thessalonica for a host of things. And then said, "excel still more." Is your heart's desire to please God more and more? Paul defined spiritual ambition this way:
To be unnoticed
To mind your own business
To work
To walk properly before the unsaved.

Excel still more.

The Law of Arrogance

If God isn't finished with you yet, what makes you think that He's finished with anyone else? "Love one another and so fulfill the law of Christ." Criticize one another and so fulfill the law of arrogance.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Prayer

A prayer:

Omnipresent God of love make your presence clearly evident to all those that I love and cherish--even if they don't want you to.
Omniscient God of infinite wisdom, constantly remind me of how spiritually stupid I am without your Spirit's guidance and instruction.
Omnipotent God of matchless power remind me of my utter weakness and my reliance on your empowering grace.
Faithful God of infinite lovingkindness bring those I love who are wandering back to the narrow way by any means necessary.
Holy God of infinite righteousness never cease pruning away the filthy rags of my self-righteousness by replacing it with your life-changing beauty.
Eternal God of immense patience help me to wait on you unafraid of any imagined future.
Immutable God of changeless character help me to trust your promises no matter what lies my circumstances might try to get me to believe.
Caring Father of infinite riches help me to rest in the truth that I have all I need. And much more.
Merciful God who has nailed my condemnation to your cross cause my spirit to celebrate your inescapable love.
Personal God who loves each sparrow and each lily remind me often that you willingly love me, your new creation, so much more than them--and teach me to be content with knowing experientially that I am yours and you are mine.

"O God, my God, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Paul's definition of ministry: "But we became gentle in the midst of you, as a nursing mother tenderly cherishes her own children."

Do those to whom God has sent me to minister think of the word "gentle" when they think of how I interact with them? Do they believe that I tenderly cherish them as if they were my own children? Do they know that I am not just sharing with them the living gospel but also my very soul because they are dearly beloved?

Spirit make it so.

Paul's definition of ministry: "just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one or you as a father would his own children, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory."

Do I, as if I am their father, daily exhort, encourage, and implore each one to whom God has called me to minister--yes, each one! And do I exhort, encourage, and implore them to walk worthy of "the God who has called them into His own kingdom and glory"? Do they know that that is the goal--the goal--of my ministry? Do they know that what thrills my soul is to know that my "children" are walking in the truth, walking worthy?

Spirit, make it so.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Practice His Presence

Joseph--probably my favorite Bible person--always knew he was in God's presence. And acted accordingly. What does that look like? A work of faith--obeying God confident that the outcome of your obedience will be to His glory and for your good--and, more importantly, for the good of all His children. A labor of love--obeying God no matter how difficult it is because you have a deep awareness of His love for you. A steadfastness of hope--persevering obedience knowing that such obedience builds proven character--a character that exults continually and confidently in His redeeming love for a sinner like you.
And now abides these three: faith, hope, love. And the greatest of these is love.
Practice the presence of God.


Paul's testimony: "Become an imitator of me and of the Lord." Are you living a life others can imitate? Are you living a life where tribulation deepens your joy, not undermines it? Are you living a life of kindness, forgiving others as Christ forgave you? Are you content? Does having a little or a lot have absolutely no affect on the humbling realization that you are totally dependent on Him? Are you thankful that that is so? Are you not just a proclaimer of God's truth but also a demonstrator of God's truth?
May God's Spirit so control us that we can become examples.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Mind of Christ

The faithful mind: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

The submissive mind: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself."

The spiritual mind: "But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ."

The secure mind: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, well-pleasing, and perfect."

Are you being conformed or transformed? Being faithful no matter your circumstances? Being submissive toward those God has put into your life so that you might minister to their needs? Thinking spiritually in a world totally dedicated to thinking materialistically? Resting your security in who He is and in His promises or in your own ability to solve your problems?

The mind of Christ: I give up my rights and my reputation and the freedom to do what pleases me in order to pour myself out for others as a bond-servant--a love energized servant--of everyone in need. Till death.

Fear and Trembling

To serve the Lord "with fear and trembling" is to serve Him with a deep reverence that is heart broken when I know I have disappointed His faithful love. It is to daily whisper the prayer "Lord, keep me from grieving the Spirit that resides within my heart."

Reflections on Relationships

I can only give out to those around me what I allow the Spirit of God to work into my life. It's always an inside out obedience. I submit to the Spirit, and He replaces some of me with more of Him. And then, and only then, can I bear much fruit.

Submission: Using the strength that God has given me to enable all those that I love to become all that God intends for them to be.

The complaining, murmuring, disputing Christian sends this message to the world: My God and Savior can't be trusted. He's really not as loving and good as I've been telling you He is. Just the message they need to hear, right?

When I am struggling to find joy in my life, the solution is usually fairly obvious. Selfishness. The only way to make room in my heart for His joy is to follow His example and pour myself out for others.

God commands us to work diligently at being sure that our handling of His Word is accurate. In order to do so, we must not be quarrelsome but kind to all who oppose the truth, patient when wronged by them, and gentle toward them even as we strive to correct their attacks on the gospel message. Our hearts longing must be for repentance in their lives, and our hope and confidence must be in the Spirit's exclusive ability to bring about such a change of heart.

 No one can prove to us--or to himself--that he is trustworthy if we don't trust him.

 Our inner strength springs from a grace-filled heart for others.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Teacher's Task

There are three goals of teaching: to build within each student the ability to love from a pure heart, to act from a good conscience centered in God's truth, and to develop within them a genuine faith--a faith that spontaneously obeys God in all things. Try accomplishing those things without total dependence on the Spirit.

The Good Fight

How does one "fight the good fight of faith"?

Flee materialism--live a godly life of contentment. That's as rich as a man or woman's life can become.

"Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. "Take hold of eternal life" . . . "Take hold of that which is life indeed." Hang on tightly with both hands to His promise to meet all your needs.

There is no greater threat to the child of God than the love of money--"some longing for it have wandered away from the faith."

Flee. Pursue. Americans will call you a fool. God will call you a good and faithful servant.

"Fight the good fight of faith."


Remember in all those times of our lives--Peter by the fire, Thomas in his doubting, the prodigal son in his loneliness and despair, Mary crying in the garden, Paul broken-hearted over Demas--if we will just be still and listen, we will hear His whisper: "I will never let you go."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


He washed my sins away.

Just sit quietly somewhere and meditate on those words.

"In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody, with heaven's harmony. In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody of love." What is the melody that is ringing in the chambers of your heart? I bet your friends can tell. Your enemies?

"I love the song that Jesus gave me . . ."

Reflections on Prayer

"Above all that you ask or think" is not an aberration. It's standard operating procedure for our Lord.

The prayer I pray most often and most fervently is that every student who walks into my room will feel safe--academically, personally, emotionally, and spiritually. If I ever cross your mind, feel free to join me in prayer.

Make a list of all the people that you love.

After each name record how many times this week you prayed for him or her.

Make a list of all the people you love.

A morning prayer: Lord, help me through my life and my words to prove the old song true: "Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all."
"For me, to live is Christ."

An evening prayer:

Thank You Lord for another day in Your care--another day safely on the journey Home.
Thank You for those You have placed in my life as my encouragement, as agents of Your love. May I never take them for granted--not even for an hour of each day You give me.
Thank You for those I found easy to love today. Thank You for those I found difficult to love today and the grace to do so. (So many people remind me of myself.) I pray You will keep me from being too much of a rascal to love--and if not, thank You for those in my life who will love me anyway. Starting with You. Thank You that loving is such hard work--what a blessed reminder of the majesty of Your love.
Thank You for the simple things of this day--food and taste buds; leaves still changing, an insane cat, a still house, a soft rain--even if it was cool, songs in my heart, Your Word in my life--even when, especially when, it's the quiet voice of conviction
Thank You for the need for prayer and for its reminder of our utter dependence on You our promised Strength.

Thank You. This was "the day," and I rejoice in it--what a marvelous gift.

A morning prayer:
Help me Lord put my armor on this morning. Give me the grace to rest in its protection and not my human strength. May the Sword be effectively used to resist the enemy--knowing He will flee from the Spirit's wielding.
Give me patience--with those in my life to whom you have called me to love. And with myself when I do stupid stuff instead of edifying others.
Give me wisdom--I'm not too bright on my own, though I often in my arrogance assume so.
Give me joy to combat my weaknesses. So often, I confuse them and think they are a strength.
May my thoughts today be an unceasing prayer--that my words might glorify you.
Help me to see the majesty of ordinary things--such love gifts you give us, and I take them too often for granted.
May I be quick to forgive, quick to ask for forgiveness--slow to anger.

May I spontaneously reflect You in all that I do.

 Our prayers should include our personal needs, adoration, intercessions, and thanksgivings. And we should intercede for all men from those in authority to those we love and adore. Such prayer is transformational. Such prayer will enable us to live "a tranquil, quiet life in all godliness and dignity." Yes, prayer has a direct influence on our behavior, on our ability to do what is "good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior."

For my children by birth and by faith I echo Paul's prayer for his child in the faith--Timothy:

I pray that you will rejoice in the "promise of life in Christ Jesus"--the promise of grace that is greater than all your sin; the promise of mercy that has delivered you from all condemnation; the promise of peace that in the storms of life will calm your restless soul and set you on the Rock.

I pray that you will never neglect the gifts that God has given you. Don't become apathetic--indifference, a lack of loving obedience, can grieve the heart of your God who loves you so wondrously.

I pray that you will never be afraid--trust and obey in all circumstances in the presence of all the people you interact with. Let people know--lovingly, gently, and humbly--through your life and through your words that you are on the Lord's side. Fear will sap your love, your spiritual power, and your sound judgment. What can man do to you?

I pray that you will never be ashamed. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. We know whom we have believed; we have confidence in His ability to guard our hearts for all eternity. He stands before the Father and defends us. Let us stand before men and defend Him.

I pray that your faith will be sincere, spontaneous, and without hypocrisy. Remember failure and struggle are not hypocrisy. Selfishness in service for Him is hypocrisy.

I pray that you will serve Him from pure motives, for His glory and not your own.

I pray that you will live a life of integrity, be a man or woman whose word is totally reliable, whose "yes" is "yes" and whose "no" is "no.".

I pray that you will faithfully pray the same things for me.

 "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Ask. The supply is infinite. He only gives good gifts. He knows what you need. Ask.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


A biblical view of history:

God is in control--every second.
Sin is a fact. If you don't believe that, you have no chance of understanding history.
History is linear. God commenced it and will bring about its end.
The possibility of redemption is a fact. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved-whoever you are.
You are a vital part of God's plan. Be steadfast.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Diligence: Doing what God has called you to do because you are convinced that it is God who has placed you exactly where you are at precisely this moment in time and eternity.
Diligence produces the following: a life of moral excellence, a growing experiential knowledge of God through your circumstances, self-control in your circumstances, perseverance in your circumstances, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love toward those who are in your circumstances with you. Diligence transforms you inwardly and that inner transformation changes your external behavior. What you believe becomes a lifestyle not a creed.
The diligent will find their lives being constantly enriched by those spiritual blessings.
Diligence will destroy the complacency and apathy that kills Christ-like love.
A lack of diligence will afflict you with the worst kind of blindness: a short-sighted, self-centered focus on what you believe is best for you--and those you've been called to love and serve--right now. This is the blindness that Christ compares to being in a darkened room and thinking you are standing in the floodlights. Paul calls it "walking blindfolded in a world of illusion"--the same blindness that infects the ungodly. And you wonder why people can't see Christ in you; why you've lost a clear vision of God's will for you and for those you love. Diligence will keep you from stumbling in the darkness of a selfish life.
And you wonder why it is so difficult to be diligent? Why the enemy hates diligence? Why the enemy wants you to believe that what you have been called to do is "just not worth it," just not making a difference anyway"? He's a liar!
Diligence is evidence that I am trusting in the wisdom of God's will for my life. Diligence is the evidence that I really do want to become more like Him.
Diligence is necessary for the vision God wants to give me into who He is and what He desires to do for others through me--the vision that if I lack it, my work for Him will shrivel up and perish in the muck of complacency and apathy.
Diligence and godliness are synonyms.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Be careful

Be careful. Be sure your faith is in what He has revealed and not in what you believe. I can't think of anything more subtly dangerous than faith in myself.

Be sure your understanding of God is complete. Yes, He is love, compassionate, kind, tenderhearted, forgiving. But He's also righteous and just.


All too often the enemy gets us to doubt that who we are at this moment is exactly the person God needs in the situation in which He has placed us. There's a reason He only made one of you. He loves who He made you to be.

Nothing is more spiritually debilitating and frustrating than trying to deepen one's relationship with God solely on the basis of a second-hand relationship to the Word. We must have an active relationship with God's Word.