Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thankful Day 5

I am thankful for "Christ in you, the hope of glory," for the sanctifying work of the Spirit gives us:

The empowerment to love--an unwavering commitment to obedience, an unwavering confidence in the Spirit's work in other people's lives; an unwavering spirit of ready forgiveness no matter how deep the hurt.

The unexplainable presence of joy--a sense of comfort in the deepest trials, a sense of hope in the deepest darkness; a sense of strength no matter the weight of the daily cross; a melodious symphony in the heart in the cymbal-soloed cacophony of each day's challenges.

The overwhelming confidence of peace--an assurance in the heart that the victory through the finished work of Christ has already been won; a persevering heart to fight the good fight until the end; an untroubled heart when all circumstantially looks lost; a restful heart knowing the certainty of the room prepared for each one of His children in the Father's House.

The settled practice of patience--the humility to see oneself in others and their struggles; the quietness to trust the timing of the Creator of time; the confidence that God will lovingly do whatever is necessary to make His children more like Him.

The unwavering loyalty of kindness--a tenderheartedness toward friend and foe alike--and equally; a deep desire to show to others the unconditional love that He has shown to His children; the courage to risk one's heart to further disappointment and betrayal.

The Shepherd's commitment to goodness--a longing to bring back "the one" no matter how treacherous the searching; a longing to set an example worthy of following; a longing to lead the lambs to still waters and quiet pastures; a longing to be used in the restoring of shattered souls.

The step by step walk of faithfulness--the understanding that one has been saved to glorify the Savior through good works; the understanding that the disciple's call is to a daily following; the understanding that He alone is one's strength and help in the day of trouble

The malleable softness of gentleness--the wanting to penetrate with His love the hard of heart; the wanting for a humility that spontaneously stoops to lift up lovingly those who have stumbled; a wanting to be broken into the likeness of His sweet servant's spirit by the pressures and testings of life.

The steady surrender of self-control--an eagerness to cast aside personal goals, wanted things, and self-centered interests as trivial; an eagerness to embrace the responsibility to keep another brother from stumbling; an eagerness to go deeper into the Spirit's calling--beyond self-denial to the denial of self; an eagerness to be so saturated with the Word that the Spirit's filling becomes a supernaturally natural way of life.

I am thankful for the sanctifying work of the Spirit in the life of His people. May we never grieve His heart; quench His fire, or despise His purging of the "old me."

Until that day when we shall see Him and the transformation is made complete.

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