Daily arm themselves with faith, hope, and love.
Rejoice that the purpose of God was to rescue them from His wrath, to provide salvation for them through His Son, and to live together with them forever.
Encourage and edify other believers at every opportunity.
Show a deep appreciation for those He has placed in authority over them. Esteem them in love.
Live in peace with one another.
Admonish the undisciplined.
Encourage the fainthearted.
Help the weak.
Be patient with all men.
Repay evil with good. And with interest.
Pray without ceasing. Covet intercessory prayer.
In every thing give thanks.
Don't quench the Spirit by despising teaching or by living on memories.
Examine everything to see if it is indeed good. And then, if it is, grab hold and don't let go.
Abstain from even the appearance of evil.
"Lord, make me as holy as you can make a sinner saved by grace." Thank
you that You who called us will be faithful to bring it to pass.
"Even so, come Lord Jesus."
"Even so, come Lord Jesus."
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