Feeling overwhelmed, powerless--remember the empty tomb; resurrection power lives within you.
Feeling insignificant, unimportant--remember that you are a "vital cog" in the plan of the omnipotent God to defeat evil and change the world through grace. You are a necessity for that plan's completion.
Feeling sadness--remember He was a man of sorrows and a "friend" of grief, but He had a joy that enabled Him to endure the cross and complete His "assignment" from the Father. He intends to immerse you with His joy as He abides--makes Himself at home--in your life. Day by day.
Feeling alone, forsaken--remember His words, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" That moment guarantees that for eternity present and future, He will always be with you--you are never alone; will never be forsaken. "Christ in you, the assured hope of glory." Forever--and today.
Feeling the need to talk through your problems with someone--"Have a little talk with Jesus, tell Him all about your troubles, He will hear your faintest cry, and He will answer by and by." And it will be the perfect answer. "Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right."
Feeling incapable of pleasing Him--remember love is expressed through obedience. Faith is expressed through an obedience that leaves the outcome in His hands--trusting in His love and His wisdom.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the
things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and
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