Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Courage is a necessity for the faithful disciple. We are soldiers behind enemy lines. We all face the mocking giants that ridicule our faith in a loving, sovereign God. We all have been commanded to use spiritual weapons--love, prayer, forgiveness as our "strategy" against the enemy. We all face the subtle encouragements to become entangled in the world system. We are all tempted to embrace success over godly character. We all encounter outcomes that would lead us to be...lieve that we have lost the battle. 
Where then do we find our courage?

 Only one place: the promises of our Captain.
"I will always be by your side."
"All of your tomorrows I took care of yesterday."
"When you go into battle, it is I who will fight for you."
"When you by faith in Me resist the enemy, he will flee."
"Obedience is the undeniable proof of victory, not the visible, human outcomes."
"The walls of the world's Jerichos fall flat at the sound of shouts of praise."
"No weapon of this world is mightier than the spiritual weapons you wield."
"I have made you more than a conqueror through the power of My love spread abroad in your heart by the heat of the battle."
"I have overcome the world."
"The battle is won. The earth will be filled with the My glory as the water covers the sea."
"Only be strong and very courageous."

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