In my years of following my Savior and Lord, I have noticed--even at times in my own struggles--a propensity for disciples to believe that where you are is more important than who you are. What I mean is that often I see Christians--some that I love dearly--thinking that if they could just go somewhere else other than where God has them now, that they will find contentment and fulfillment there. The problem with that is, of course, that wherever you go to find "success," you take you with you. The real issue--Paul states it clearly, "I have learned wherever I am to there be content"--is my relationship with Him and my submission to His will. It is not a mistake that He has me where I am. God never says, "Oops, I really didn't need him there."
I think at times, though, He lets us move on in an attempt to get us to realize that it is who we are in Him, our faith and confidence in His wisdom and His will, that brings meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives as His disciples. Sadly, I have seen many who keep moving around physically that also begin to move slowly but surely farther and farther away from their relationship with Him. Thus, in the new place they become even more discontent, disheartened, and miserable. We need to ask Him daily, "what would You have me do today--right where You have me--that will make You known to others?" He will show us why He needs us where we are--why this is the place that, if we renew our submission to His will and not push for our own, that we will find the contentment and purpose that He has for us. If am dedicated to do His will each day, I will find a sense of His presence in my daily walk as His disciple. And if He walks beside me and directs my actions then where I am will make no difference at all, will it? As the hymn writer says, "Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus." Serve Him today where you are and with all your strength and loving obedience. Your life is not about you; it's about allowing Him to use you in the this place, the place of His calling.
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