Often, the "poor" are just as susceptible to the danger of the love of money as the rich--and just as caught up in the all kinds of evil that such love generates. Lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven or the intense, blinding darkness of materialism will be the "light" of your life. A life of continual stumbling--continual "tripping up"--is the result. The lure of prosperity is one of the Devil's greatest weapons in destroying a man or woman's soul. Nations too.
"The heart of man is desperately wicked; who can know it?"
Guard your heart!
Invest your money in the needs of people. The interest rates will be sky high--heavenly even.
Everything the person you vote for does, he or she does with your full permission.
So many of the "good things" that happen to bad people aren't actually good things.
Why is it that a man or woman's character matters--unless he or she is doing something we like?
God already defined morality--right and wrong. You don't get to.
Just because you call the golden calf you've built "Jehovah," that doesn't mean that it is. Be sure you are worshiping Who not what.
Don't forget your prayers of remembrance today.
Every day through our circumstances, our regrets, and our fears, God is asking us the same question: "Will you trust Me?" The simple--but never easy--way to answer, "Yes," is to live a life of praise-filled obedience.
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