And the answer to our prayers does not rest on our deserving a revival, but on His compassion and willingness to forgive and show mercy. It is His glory that is the purpose of revival. We ask for His work to be done in His people for His Name's sake, not our own.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Our prayers for revival need to be focused on the church--on His people.. The presence of the Spirit in one's life is a necessity for revival to occur. And we need to understand that we are not praying for others but for ourselves. A prayer for "those people" is arrogant. Our prayers need to begin with "I" and "we." Sin, iniquity, and transgression are a part of all our lives if we are honest with ourselves. God needs a pure church to do His work. And that may mean that the revival He brings is to raise up a faithful few.
And the answer to our prayers does not rest on our deserving a revival, but on His compassion and willingness to forgive and show mercy. It is His glory that is the purpose of revival. We ask for His work to be done in His people for His Name's sake, not our own.
And the answer to our prayers does not rest on our deserving a revival, but on His compassion and willingness to forgive and show mercy. It is His glory that is the purpose of revival. We ask for His work to be done in His people for His Name's sake, not our own.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Endurance. Thankfully, enduring unto the end need only be done on a daily basis. I do not have to endure whatever tomorrow may bring because it is not here yet--and may never come. And often the things He needs me to endure for His Name's sake tomorrow are not even the things I was expecting. Endurance feels like an impossibility when I project it into an unknown future. That's why He calls me to "take no thought for tomorrow"--but, rather, seek first the kingdom of God today.
Endurance becomes especially difficult as well when I forget its purpose: to glorify Him. I am called to show the world that in the most difficult times--or in the seemingly "not so difficult" times--that knowing Him is enough. In all things I can display the strength that He provides me, the joy that He places in my soul, the beauty that I have found in those difficult times that I could not have discovered anywhere else or in any other way. I have found that those difficult times that need endurance have been the times that have enriched me with the deepest sense of His presence and the full evidence of His care for me. I would not know Him as I know Him now without those struggles to endure. Which means, of course, that I would not love Him as I love Him now without those challenges. Which means, of course, that my obedience to Him would still be mired in duty instead of in the genuine, spontaneous obedience that grows out of a sense of His love for me.
And I have found that in those times when He promises me that I can lean on Him and His strength that He has sent His other sons and daughters into my life to be a tangible shoulder to lean on, to be a listening ear, to be His love for me, to be an example to follow as I see them following Christ in the midst of their own times of endurance. As I gather together with other believers as He tells me to do, they become my encouragers to continue on in the good deeds of love that He has called me to do. They reflect His love for me in their love for me. Endurance unites the body of Christ in faithfulness to Him--and each other.
Endure hardship as a good soldier of the Savior. Clasp arms with His fellow soldiers that He has sent into your life to encourage you to press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Run the race with endurance exulting in His love, saturated with His joy, encouraging and being encouraged by your fellow runners on the journey Home.
Endurance becomes especially difficult as well when I forget its purpose: to glorify Him. I am called to show the world that in the most difficult times--or in the seemingly "not so difficult" times--that knowing Him is enough. In all things I can display the strength that He provides me, the joy that He places in my soul, the beauty that I have found in those difficult times that I could not have discovered anywhere else or in any other way. I have found that those difficult times that need endurance have been the times that have enriched me with the deepest sense of His presence and the full evidence of His care for me. I would not know Him as I know Him now without those struggles to endure. Which means, of course, that I would not love Him as I love Him now without those challenges. Which means, of course, that my obedience to Him would still be mired in duty instead of in the genuine, spontaneous obedience that grows out of a sense of His love for me.
And I have found that in those times when He promises me that I can lean on Him and His strength that He has sent His other sons and daughters into my life to be a tangible shoulder to lean on, to be a listening ear, to be His love for me, to be an example to follow as I see them following Christ in the midst of their own times of endurance. As I gather together with other believers as He tells me to do, they become my encouragers to continue on in the good deeds of love that He has called me to do. They reflect His love for me in their love for me. Endurance unites the body of Christ in faithfulness to Him--and each other.
Endure hardship as a good soldier of the Savior. Clasp arms with His fellow soldiers that He has sent into your life to encourage you to press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Run the race with endurance exulting in His love, saturated with His joy, encouraging and being encouraged by your fellow runners on the journey Home.
Endure. Unto the end.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
God often works in our lives in quiet, gentle ways that even we don't recognize. Sometimes we have a sense that His good is at work even though we don't clearly see His hand. But sometimes He announces His presence in our lives like a choir of angels on a dark hillside in the middle of the night. I propose that Christians--individual and corporate--should do a little more "Glory to God in the highest" shouting at such moments. What do you think?
Okay, a lot more shouting.
Monday, January 20, 2020
I Want
I have been struggling to serve my Savior for a long time now. Yes, it's a struggle. I'd be worried if it wasn't. As a soldier on the enemy's territory--temporarily, the enemy's territory--I am constantly facing a variety of trials on a daily basis. Sometimes the "attacks" are subtle. Sometimes not so much. But they always seem to be rooted in one false notion: that I should pursue what I want instead of being thankful and content for what I have--what He in His love has so lovingly and graciously given me. Or, even, what He has so lovingly and graciously taken from me. Hasn't that been the temptation from Eden? The old English poet, John Milton, expressed astonishment that Adam and Eve who had everything were lured away from God's will by wanting to be more than what they were, wanting to have more than what they had--and they did indeed have everything--physically and spiritually. Wasn't our Savior tempted by the same things? "You want bread for your hunger? Turn these stones to bread. You want the applause and adoration of the multitude, jump off the temple and let the angels rescue You. You want the kingdoms of the world right now? Worship me--I will give You what you want right now." So it is with those that I love who have turned from Him. They have wanted to live their lives based on their own standards of morality, on their own need for the praise of men, on their own need for more material "blessings." And do I not struggle with the exact same wants? And, oh, it is a struggle. My "I wants" are the most dangerous temptations in my life. And I know that if I surrender to them, I will do anything to get them. Nothing is more dangerous than my "I wants." And what are the prayers I must pray daily in the midst of the struggle?
"I will serve the Lord my God, and Him only will I serve."
"Lord, You know my weaknesses; teach me to be content in whatever state I find myself knowing that it is there that You want me and need me to be faithful to You."
"I surrender all. Help me to be what You want me to be, Dear Lord. Help me to dance the celebration of joy each day at the wondrous things You have given me because You wanted me to cherish and enjoy them."
"Your presence and guidance, my Shepherd, are all I need--all I want. May Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. And give me the vision to see Your goodness and to bow humbly in thanks for Your mercy."
"I will serve the Lord my God, and Him only will I serve."
"Lord, You know my weaknesses; teach me to be content in whatever state I find myself knowing that it is there that You want me and need me to be faithful to You."
"I surrender all. Help me to be what You want me to be, Dear Lord. Help me to dance the celebration of joy each day at the wondrous things You have given me because You wanted me to cherish and enjoy them."
"Your presence and guidance, my Shepherd, are all I need--all I want. May Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. And give me the vision to see Your goodness and to bow humbly in thanks for Your mercy."
Oh, may I and those I love be careful of their "I wants."
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Words of My Mouth and the Meditation of My Thoughts.
The deadliest, most horribly destructive weapon in the world? The human tongue out of control.
Just saying "Hello" to someone can make his or her day. They can no longer believe that they don't exist--that they don't matter. You have told them that their presence matters to you.
The more I raise my voice, the less people hear what I'm trying to say. Let alone understand it. Or want to.
Saying "I'm sorry" is not a sign of weakness. It's "I love you" in the God-honoring language of humility.
Think before you speak. Think a long time before you speak. Hearts can be easily broken. Difficult to repair.
Which do you think is the most powerful and long lasting motivator: fear or encouragement? Which one causes someone to keep looking over his or her shoulder? Which one has them moving forward with confidence?
He hears you.
When God says, "Be still and know that I Am God." What He means is, "Be still."
One of my favorite lines from a hymn: "In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere." Been listening?
What is the most powerful sound in the world? The soft answer that stills the angry heart.
Want to make a difference in people's lives? Try listening instead of talking.
Just saying "Hello" to someone can make his or her day. They can no longer believe that they don't exist--that they don't matter. You have told them that their presence matters to you.
The more I raise my voice, the less people hear what I'm trying to say. Let alone understand it. Or want to.
Saying "I'm sorry" is not a sign of weakness. It's "I love you" in the God-honoring language of humility.
Think before you speak. Think a long time before you speak. Hearts can be easily broken. Difficult to repair.
Which do you think is the most powerful and long lasting motivator: fear or encouragement? Which one causes someone to keep looking over his or her shoulder? Which one has them moving forward with confidence?
He hears you.
When God says, "Be still and know that I Am God." What He means is, "Be still."
One of my favorite lines from a hymn: "In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere." Been listening?
What is the most powerful sound in the world? The soft answer that stills the angry heart.
Want to make a difference in people's lives? Try listening instead of talking.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Reflections from December 2019
If I am growing weary in well-doing, it's because I'm relying on the wrong set of "spiritual muscles." My own.
The great thing about sitting around and talking to my favorite "old people" is that their souls are so young. Full of Jesus. If your children--and even you--do not know the old saints in your ministry, they are incredibly poor spiritually. Why is it again, that we have Sunday school classes with a nice sprinkling of the elderly saints who know so much about what it means to follow and trust in Jesus?
Believe God is omnipotent? Then why haven't you prayed to Him about the situation you're facing?
Did you number your day today? Did you count it all joy?
You do not wait on the Lord by sitting on your hands. You wait on the Lord by using your hands to serve others.
You cannot--dare not--measure God's goodness with material things.
He cares! Oh, yes!!! He cares!!!
The timing is His work. The faithfulness until the right time is ours.
Is your security resting on His love? "More secure is no one ever than the loved one of the Father." Who is your rock? Your fortress? Your strong tower? Who is your "shelter in the time of storm?" All other security is sinking sand.
The angelic response to the birth of the Christ-child, the Savior was "Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace to men of good will!" Be their echo.
My father raised me to be a gentileman. For the sake of courtesy, yes. But also because in a culture where men do not honor women in the smallest ways, they grow up to dishonor women in every way.
He did not come to save the world from evil empires (that will be next time). He came to save sinners from their sins.
The great thing about sitting around and talking to my favorite "old people" is that their souls are so young. Full of Jesus. If your children--and even you--do not know the old saints in your ministry, they are incredibly poor spiritually. Why is it again, that we have Sunday school classes with a nice sprinkling of the elderly saints who know so much about what it means to follow and trust in Jesus?
Believe God is omnipotent? Then why haven't you prayed to Him about the situation you're facing?
Did you number your day today? Did you count it all joy?
You do not wait on the Lord by sitting on your hands. You wait on the Lord by using your hands to serve others.
You cannot--dare not--measure God's goodness with material things.
He cares! Oh, yes!!! He cares!!!
The timing is His work. The faithfulness until the right time is ours.
Is your security resting on His love? "More secure is no one ever than the loved one of the Father." Who is your rock? Your fortress? Your strong tower? Who is your "shelter in the time of storm?" All other security is sinking sand.
The angelic response to the birth of the Christ-child, the Savior was "Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace to men of good will!" Be their echo.
My father raised me to be a gentileman. For the sake of courtesy, yes. But also because in a culture where men do not honor women in the smallest ways, they grow up to dishonor women in every way.
He did not come to save the world from evil empires (that will be next time). He came to save sinners from their sins.
"Your life is hid in Christ."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
Your sins, iniquities, and transgressions He has nailed to His cross. Debt--paid in full.
He has taken all your sins and cast them into the bottomless sea of His loving forgetfulness. "I will remember their sins no more."
How must I respond to such infinite mercy, infinite grace and infinite love? Only one way:
"O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, that in Thy ocean's depths its flow may richer, fuller be."
Contagious Faith
Contagious Faith
In one of the most beautiful stories in the Gospels—the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus—there is a truth we often overlook. Faith is meant to be contagious. Both Martha and Mary were followers of Jesus—Martha confessed, “Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ.” And yet, her faith, obviously, did not appear to have the impact on others that her sister’s Mary’s faith did. When Martha arose and left the house to go see Jesus, no one went with her. No one. When Mary rose and went to see Him—though they thought she was going to the tomb—everyone in the house got up and went with Mary. Everyone. It is not coincidental that the Spirit tells us that “Many therefore of the Jews, who had come to Mary and beheld what He had done, believed in Him.” Mary had obviously been sharing what she believed about Jesus, and when they saw Him confirm what she had shared, they believed. Her faith was contagious.
What made the difference? Mary had a deep, personal relationship with Him. She had chosen the “one necessary thing,” sitting at His feet and learning of Him. She knew Him face-to-face. And she reflected His beauty to others. Her relationship with Him enabled her to form deep relationships with others. When circumstances showed Him to be who Mary said He was, they believed in Him. Martha who had chosen spiritual busyness as her priority, duty over knowing Him more deeply, was, as Jesus cautioned her, worried and distracted and bothered by so many things.
We need a contagious faith. We need to become more and more like Him. And the only way for that to happen is to choose the one necessary thing—sitting at His feet, learning of Him, loving Him more deeply, and then reflecting His beauty for others to see—in word and in deed. Mary lived a life that drew people to her, and she then, obviously told them that her beauty flowed from her relationship with Him. She loved because He first loved her. Are others attracted to His beauty as seen in you? Or do people see in you a worried, distracted, bothered person wrapped up in the affairs of the world disguised as spirituality? Be contagious. To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to share His love with others.
And the motivation? “Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.”
Monday, January 13, 2020
Yesterday afternoon I attended a celebration-of-life ceremony for a faithful saint. He was an evangelist, mentor, teacher, church planter who went Home on Christmas day at 99 years old. To be honest, I didn't know him, but I taught for decades with his son, my friend and colleague, Mark Pifer. i taught his grandchildren and now am teaching his great-grandchildren. The body of Christ is connected in so many ways that we never know.
Such times should serve as reminders for us:
Age does not disqualify anyone from service for the King. He has a place for you--find it.
Heaven will make the best retirement Home.
The reason God waits until the end of time to reward His children is because their work goes on even after their earthly life is ended. Dr. Pifer's ministry will continue on in the heart of countless others who have been touched by his life, ministered to in the churches he helped plant, and those still growing because of his teaching and encouragement. Like Abel, his life will continue to speak. Seeds planted will continue to mature and bring forth fruit.
The glory is all the Lord's. He equips, assigns, strengthens, and empowers us to do His will when, as His disciples we commit our lives to following Him--to the end.
And so we must ask ourselves the question: What are you doing for Him and the growth of His kingdom? Nothing else will pass the test of eternity. And there is only one grade: "Thank you, well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of my eternal presence."
At the end of the service, his son, Mark, exclaimed, "It was like a worship service." Yes, as it should have been. Dr. Pifer's life was an act of worship to his beloved Savior.
Such times should serve as reminders for us:
Age does not disqualify anyone from service for the King. He has a place for you--find it.
Heaven will make the best retirement Home.
The reason God waits until the end of time to reward His children is because their work goes on even after their earthly life is ended. Dr. Pifer's ministry will continue on in the heart of countless others who have been touched by his life, ministered to in the churches he helped plant, and those still growing because of his teaching and encouragement. Like Abel, his life will continue to speak. Seeds planted will continue to mature and bring forth fruit.
The glory is all the Lord's. He equips, assigns, strengthens, and empowers us to do His will when, as His disciples we commit our lives to following Him--to the end.
And so we must ask ourselves the question: What are you doing for Him and the growth of His kingdom? Nothing else will pass the test of eternity. And there is only one grade: "Thank you, well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of my eternal presence."
At the end of the service, his son, Mark, exclaimed, "It was like a worship service." Yes, as it should have been. Dr. Pifer's life was an act of worship to his beloved Savior.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Inside Out
When God called Joshua to an impossible task, He reminded him what it meant to be courageous in the face of the enemy and the trials of life. He reminded him that He had a past record of being faithful to those He called.
"Look at My faithfulness to Moses, Joshua. I never left His side--failures, triumphs, struggles, victories--one thing was constant--I was with Him. I never change, Joshua! I will be with you."
"Live a life of obedience, Joshua. Be faithful to My commands. Rest on my promises. Fill your thoughts with my Word. It is your light, your sword, your power, your reminder that I AM working to make you more like Me. There is nothing this world needs more than to see My glory. They will see it in you."
"I know your future, Joshua. I know the plans I have for you. Yesterday, I made plans for your tomorrow. I was there. I am here. I will be with you tomorrow."
"The strength you need for today, I will provide. Not physical strength, but real strength--strength in your eternal soul and spirit. Remember, that is the source of your physical strength and endurance and confidence. Inside out."
Joshua, I am the Captain. The war has been won, but, yes, there are still many battles to be faced--and fought. Armor up each day. Victories are won on your knees asking me for the grace and mercy and help that I have promised. Rely on me alone. Yes, like with Moses, I will send those to hold up your arms, provide you the strength you need until the sun goes down on the day of victory. They will lift up their hands to Me with yours--and together we will win the day."
"I know your future, Joshua. I know the plans I have for you. Yesterday, I made plans for your tomorrow. I was there. I am here. I will be with you tomorrow."
"The strength you need for today, I will provide. Not physical strength, but real strength--strength in your eternal soul and spirit. Remember, that is the source of your physical strength and endurance and confidence. Inside out."
Joshua, I am the Captain. The war has been won, but, yes, there are still many battles to be faced--and fought. Armor up each day. Victories are won on your knees asking me for the grace and mercy and help that I have promised. Rely on me alone. Yes, like with Moses, I will send those to hold up your arms, provide you the strength you need until the sun goes down on the day of victory. They will lift up their hands to Me with yours--and together we will win the day."
"Not to the strong is the battle. Not to the swift is the race. But to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace." And for this day, it is promised. Inside out.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
He Knows
We are comforted by the truth that He knows what is going on in our lives, and as our Father, He cares. But there is another way He knows that we sometimes forget. Been misunderstood--He knows. Been betrayed--He knows, Been exhausted--He knows. Been ridiculed--He knows. Been lied about--He knows. Had conflict with family members--He knows. Been in great physical pain--He knows. Been deserted by friends when you needed them the most--He knows. Been in need of solitude--He knows. Been called paranoid and a fool--He knows. Been doubted--He knows. He just doesn't know what's going on in your life--He's been there. He has felt what you are feeling. He has been touched by our infirmities, our earthly trials and sorrows. In all points. That is why He cries out to his children--"cast ALL your cares on Me. He doesn't say, "Oh, just tough it out." He enters into our struggles and says, "lean on Me, find your rest in me, talk to me about your struggles, I will not be judgmental. I AM the God who listens with a caring heart. The Father knows and cares as every Father does. The Son has experienced what you are experiencing and has empathy for your trials. The Spirit comforts us and guides us and gives us the wisdom we need to count our struggles as pure joy--as a vote of confidence from the Triune God. The Triune God says, "Cast it all on Me. I will bear all things with you. I will be your strong tower and your strength. Yes, He knows.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Remember as the New Year begins, He hasn't changed:
He is the Word. All reality--the Creation, visible and invisible; all truth, all grace exists because of Him. Your reality will be immersed in grace and truth.
He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. You who have repented and placed your faith in His willing sacrifice are free from condemnation and secure in His inescapable love.
He is the Good Shepherd. He will meet your physical and spiritual needs from the riches of His inexhaustible treasures in Heaven. He will lead you, make you rest by the still waters, restore your soul, never forsake you in life or in death, comfort and protect you, take away your fears, fill your cup to overflowing with His blessings. You shall not want--a promise and a witness.
He is the Bread of Life. All you need to sustain you He will supply by His presence.
He is the Water of Life. All you need to satisfy your heart's longings He will provide with His presence as The Spirit who lives--yes, lives--inside of you.
He is the Resurrection and the Life. No one who believes in Him will ever die.
He is the True Vine. "Hand-in-Hand" the Father and the Son and the Spirit will abide with you. Though you can do nothing without Him, you can do everything with Him. His abiding presence will make you fruitful, filled with His joy, deeply aware of His love, rejoicing in answered prayer, transformed into His likeness, a blessing to all around you.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Follow Him in discipleship, trust Him and His unchanging promises, live the abundant life perfumed with His presence.
He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. You who have repented and placed your faith in His willing sacrifice are free from condemnation and secure in His inescapable love.
He is the Good Shepherd. He will meet your physical and spiritual needs from the riches of His inexhaustible treasures in Heaven. He will lead you, make you rest by the still waters, restore your soul, never forsake you in life or in death, comfort and protect you, take away your fears, fill your cup to overflowing with His blessings. You shall not want--a promise and a witness.
He is the Bread of Life. All you need to sustain you He will supply by His presence.
He is the Water of Life. All you need to satisfy your heart's longings He will provide with His presence as The Spirit who lives--yes, lives--inside of you.
He is the Resurrection and the Life. No one who believes in Him will ever die.
He is the True Vine. "Hand-in-Hand" the Father and the Son and the Spirit will abide with you. Though you can do nothing without Him, you can do everything with Him. His abiding presence will make you fruitful, filled with His joy, deeply aware of His love, rejoicing in answered prayer, transformed into His likeness, a blessing to all around you.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Follow Him in discipleship, trust Him and His unchanging promises, live the abundant life perfumed with His presence.
He is--"I Am the Lord; I change not."
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