Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Words of My Mouth and the Meditation of My Thoughts.

The deadliest, most horribly destructive weapon in the world?  The human tongue out of control.

Just saying "Hello" to someone can make his or her day.  They can no longer believe that they don't exist--that they don't matter.  You have told them that their presence matters to you.

The more I raise my voice, the less people hear what I'm trying to say.  Let alone understand it.  Or want to.

Saying "I'm sorry" is not a sign of weakness.  It's "I love you" in the God-honoring language of humility.

Think before you speak.  Think a long time before you speak.  Hearts can be easily broken.  Difficult to repair.

Which do you think is the most powerful and long lasting motivator: fear or encouragement? Which one causes someone to keep looking over his or her shoulder? Which one has them moving forward with confidence?

He hears you.

When God says, "Be still and know that I Am God."  What He means is, "Be still."

One of my favorite lines from a hymn:  "In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere."  Been listening?

What is the most powerful sound in the world?  The soft answer that stills the angry heart.

Want to make a difference in people's lives?  Try listening instead of talking.

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