Saturday, January 11, 2020

Inside Out

When God called Joshua to an impossible task, He reminded him what it meant to be courageous in the face of the enemy and the trials of life. He reminded him that He had a past record of being faithful to those He called.
"Look at My faithfulness to Moses, Joshua. I never left His side--failures, triumphs, struggles, victories--one thing was constant--I was with Him. I never change, Joshua! I will be with you."
"Live a life of obedience, Joshua. Be faithful to My commands. Rest on my promises. Fill your thoughts with my Word. It is your light, your sword, your power, your reminder that I AM working to make you more like Me. There is nothing this world needs more than to see My glory. They will see it in you."
"I know your future, Joshua. I know the plans I have for you. Yesterday, I made plans for your tomorrow. I was there. I am here. I will be with you tomorrow."
"The strength you need for today, I will provide. Not physical strength, but real strength--strength in your eternal soul and spirit. Remember, that is the source of your physical strength and endurance and confidence. Inside out."
Joshua, I am the Captain. The war has been won, but, yes, there are still many battles to be faced--and fought. Armor up each day. Victories are won on your knees asking me for the grace and mercy and help that I have promised. Rely on me alone. Yes, like with Moses, I will send those to hold up your arms, provide you the strength you need until the sun goes down on the day of victory. They will lift up their hands to Me with yours--and together we will win the day."
"Not to the strong is the battle. Not to the swift is the race. But to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace." And for this day, it is promised. Inside out.

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