Wednesday, March 18, 2020

For Such a Time

God is love. Thus, as someone has said, "Love is deathless." If the love we have for someone "dies," it was not God's love working in our hearts. As the Spirit spreads His love throughout our hearts, our love for God; and consequently, our love for others should be constantly growing and deepening. As the Father chose to love us and send the Son to redeem us and the Spirit to empower and lead us, so we must chose to love with an unquenchable godly love. And the response of the ones God has called us to love should be irrelevant. After all, our hearts were hostile toward God and His love; and yet, He loved us, died for us, and gave us eternal life--and a heart that should love as He loved and loves us. It is in such a time as this that His children need to spread His love to His other children and to a fearful, hostile world. To convince the world that God is love, we must lavish His love on our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and we must lavish His love on the hurting and fearful outside of the "family" as well. Will the world be less hostile to the message of God's love? Only if the Spirit opens their eyes to who He is. So we should love prayerfully. What an opportunity--yes, opportunity--God has given us to reveal His caring, sacrificial love to our world! Though they scorn it and resist it, they should not be able to deny the glorious love of God emanating from our hearts, evident in our actions, empowered by our prayers for our enabling and the Spirit's ability to open their eyes to His love as He opened ours and gave us new hearts. There are lots of fish in the sea; be a fisher-of-men, cast the "bait" of a love that will not die into the waters all around you. For such a time as this.

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