Sunday, March 15, 2020

Unwrap Each Gift

Another day. The highlight of the day was lunch with Brad and Mindy. The snow was falling--beautiful even in the suburban edifices surrounding Jason's Deli. Conversation of the mundane lives we live and enjoy. Is anything more beautiful than the daily joys of each day? Does a rhetorical question really need a question mark? A prayer request honored for a friend going through deep sorrow and loss. Tears that rise from the heart are lovely beyond words. 
Several walks through The Acres. Winter's reminder that it's not over yet. Though the snowbird population is down considerably. The crocus and orchard iris and aconite shine their loveliness through the snow. More and more of them each day. The snowdrops, of course, are right at home. Daffodils and tulips and hyacinths are emerging waiting for their moment of glory in 2020. They are not afraid. They are following the directions of the Master. Each walk I take is unique. Never the same places from the same direction at the same time of day--each walk a newold journey in pursuit of today's new beauty. Though I think I know where most things will come up, the chipmunks and squirrels are always rearranging the garden of The Acres. Surprises are good. Lots of work still to do, but that just means that lots of work won't get done and the wildness of The Acres will continue to reign. Another good thing. Getting the mower ready--so, at least, I'm a little bit prepared for my spring time conversations with myself and the country breezes. And eventually, I hope, the companionship of my velvet flyers in celebration of the insects I send leaping into the air. Their skimming, diving, swerving antics are pay enough for the free catering service. In fact, I owe them for the "show" I'm sure.
Each day a unique gift with its simplicity, its beauty, its moments with those you love. So let us number our days--don't leave such a beautiful gift unwrapped. Rejoice in it.

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