Monday, March 30, 2020


This week we started online teaching at my school.  I wrote this as an encouragement to myself and the school family.


I think the most difficult times in our lives often come when we face new things. I tend to be unsure if I can actually do the things God has brought into my life that simply need to get done. Fears of failure get stirred into the pot of insecurities. The last thing the enemy wants me to do is to trust Him. And yet, that is the very purpose of feelings of inadequacy and failure, is it not? To “force” us to rely on Him and each other to accomplish His will for each day? A total dependence on Him that often is provided for us by the “help” and encouragement of other members of the family trying to process through the same New is what we need to accomplish anything.
As we face this new challenge: begin each day with prayer—you and your kids together. That would be a nice “habit” to form, wouldn’t it? Need help—parent or student? Call another member of the body—you can work through it together. Can the body of Christ be too unified? Check on each other. Seeing if someone needs help is not arrogance. It’s called love.
New things—new challenges—I hate them. But when “all is said and done,” I find my confidence in Him has deepened—He’s much more dependable in a crisis than my pride. I find the body of Christ is even more unified than it was before the challenge. The “weakest link” (no pun intended) has become a source of strength for us to lean on—the shoulder God knew we needed. And we will be amazed at who that is He sends to help us. So many of us have been faithfully serving the LORD, learning to rely totally on Him, and we didn’t even know it. It’s amazing the strength you’ll find “hidden” in a “weakest link.” And what opportunities God will give you to love one another as He has loved you—patiently, unconditionally, sacrificially! The New—as we learn to trust in Him and who and what He provides—is always the foundation for the “better still” in His kingdom work on earth.
And remember—the New comes one day at a time—not two months at a time. “Seek this day the Kingdom of God, and everything you need will be added unto you.” “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will make your path straight.”

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