When my struggles move me to whisper in my Savior's heart, "Why?", the Spirit always draws me to the foot of His cross. Gazing up at the agonizing, amazing love of my Redeemer, again I whisper, "Why?" And His answer is always the same: "Al Iten, my son, before I laid the foundations of the universe, I loved you with an everlasting love. I willingly died in your place that you might spend eternity with Me in the Father's house so that We could lavish on you Our unconditional, eternal love. "Amazing love, how can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me.?"
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Dance with Me
Times of sorrow. A vibrant pastor, loving husband, father, friend of many, godly mentor of many has been taken home. A friend--pray for the Callahan family--loving husband, father, grandfather, devoted follower of Christ is nearing his Homegoing. Times of sorrow.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
I was reminded today on many occasions of a heartbreaking and sobering truth. Perhaps the most hated word in our country (and the world) in these times is the word: "Sin."
"Indeed, my inheritance is beautiful to me."
He will enable you "to feast your eyes" on His salvation.
Today, and every day until you go Home, He will lavish you with good gifts. He doesn't know how to give any other kind of gift to His beloved children.
I am held securely in the eternal, omnipotent of my Savior. And wrapped around His hands are the eternal, omnipotent hands of my Father. "More secure is no one ever than the loved ones of the Savior."
Life with Jesus is a symphony.
"Jesus is the sweetest name I know; and He's just the same as His lovely name."
You do not "expectantly" wait for His return by standing on a hill gazing up into Heaven. No, you wait expectantly for His return by being about your Father's business.
As your Eternal Advocate when you stand before the Father, He will stand and say, "For this one, whom I loved before the foundation of the world, I paid His debt to sin forever, willingly. I am His, and He is mine."
Your Savior is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Though it is through the enabling of the indwelling Spirit that you are empowered to obey and serve Him, when He greets you, He will say, "Thank you, for loving Me and serving others in My name."
Your life is hid in Him. When you see Him, you will be like Him--immortal and incorruptible
The Holy Spirit has sealed you until the day of redemption. Who do you think can break that seal? Exactly.
He nailed all you sin, all your iniquities, all your transgression to His cross. The "bill" is stamped, "Paid in Full." The one who stamped the bill "paid in the full," is the God who cannot lie.
You are a joint-heir with Christ.
He will come again to escort you to the room in His Father's House that He has prepared for you. He want you to be where I Am.
You are His adopted child, and His child by the new birth--doubly His.
He knows you by name.
Monday, September 14, 2020
His Goodness
A favorite verse of many Christians is Romans 8:28. "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Often, that promise has been a great comfort to me personally. But I think at times we don't consider all the truths this promise reveals. For example, do we really embrace the truth that all our struggles are His working to do us good? When my plans are changed or altered, do I embrace the good that is coming or murmur and complain about the circumstances and what He is asking of me in this situation? Do I ask Him, "Lord please help me to surrender to this failure, this illness, this loss, this confusion so that you can use it to transform me more fully into Your likeness. Help me to live for You in such a way that others will know that I see this as Your good hand at work in my life--that I trust Your goodness even though what I am experiencing doesn't seem so good to me." Do I really believe that His goodness is at work in my life in "all" things--even if I can't see it? Do I trust Him and surrender to His will--His good will? To not do so will result in a loss of peace, a loss of contentment, a hindrance to my transformation into the image of Christ. The issue in my life in such times has always been: Who knows what is the best for me, the good? My Savior or me? I don't deserve this. You don't deserve His goodness for sure--and all things are His goodness being lavished on you.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
We live in a culture petrified of death. We should not be surprised. A culture that eliminates God from the picture, eliminates meaning and purpose as well. Narcissism is not a synonym for meaning and purpose. When we tell our children that they have no soul or spirit to worry about, just the body; of course, they then worry about the body and its inevitable end--decay and death. I read a comment from a well-known doctor/author that we don't know why we age and die. But we do, sin.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
We all struggle with doubt at times. Doubt is often evidence of faith--faith being stretched and deepened. Such struggles. our doubts, of course, can also be dangerous. Sometimes I think we take on somebody else's doubts. He or she has said they are doubting certain truths, and we think that we should too. The greatest threat, however, arises from our attitude toward God's Word--the Sword of the Spirit, the Person whose mission is to guide us into all truth. If I doubt the authority of God's Word or spend no time in God's Word, how can the Spirit teach and lead me--confirm for me the prayer of Jesus, "Sanctify them through Your Word; Your Word is Truth. Critical thinking is essential for Christians. We need to know why we believe what we claim to believe. We need to "make it our own." We need to hold up our doubts to the light of God's Word, to the leading into truth that the Spirit promises. Honest prayer is essential. Can truth be found outside of Scripture? Yes. But if the conclusions I reach contradict Scripture, whom should I believe?--The Holy Spirit or man's reason--no matter how brilliant he may be. I must be immersed in a prayerful study of Scripture in order to face my doubts honestly. Perhaps the need is to doubt my doubts and not my faith. The Holy Spirit may show me that what I have been taught to believe is not consistent with the truth found in His Word. The Holy Spirit may teach me that my doubts are not consistent when held up to the teaching of God's Word. But He is the Teacher. My intellect--or any man's intellect and understanding of truth--cannot begin to measure up to His--the Author of Truth. Embrace your doubts--then hold them up to God's revealed truth in His Word. Let the growing and deepening of your faith take place. Remember the promise is "He will lead you into all truth." And it's a lifetime journey.