Saturday, September 26, 2020

Dance with Me

 Times of sorrow. A vibrant pastor, loving husband, father, friend of many, godly mentor of many has been taken home. A friend--pray for the Callahan family--loving husband, father, grandfather, devoted follower of Christ is nearing his Homegoing. Times of sorrow.

At such times I identify with a poem by Wendell Berry:
Old Man Jayber Crow
Many I loved as man and boy
Are gone beyond all that I know.
Fallen leaves under falling rain,
Except Christ raise them up again.
I know my blessings by their cost,
Thus is the pride of man made low.
To ease the sorrow of my thoughts,
Though I'm too weary now and slow,
I'd need to dance all night for joy.
And I am, I admit, too weary now and slow. But that's the beauty of the power and the unity of the body of Christ, of the family of God, of the loved ones of the Savior. I do not have to dance alone. Together we can unite our hearts, wrap our arms together in prayer to the God of all comfort, be strengthened by our hope-filled sorrow--by the promised joy that comes in the morning. May we not hide from the world our sorrow. May we radiate our sure hope that is deeper than our sorrow. May we lean on each other in the bonds of prayer. May we comfort one another with the comfort He has given us to enrich our lives even in--especially in--the times of sorrow.
I am too weary now and old, but if you will link arms with me in prayer and encouragement and sorrow and hope, we can together dance all night for joy. For the promise is true and faithful because our loving Father is true and faithful. Joy comes in the morning.

Take my arm please. I need it. Dance with me.

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