Saturday, September 12, 2020


 We live in a culture petrified of death. We should not be surprised. A culture that eliminates God from the picture, eliminates meaning and purpose as well. Narcissism is not a synonym for meaning and purpose. When we tell our children that they have no soul or spirit to worry about, just the body; of course, they then worry about the body and its inevitable end--decay and death. I read a comment from a well-known doctor/author that we don't know why we age and die. But we do, sin.

Is dying, is losing someone we love to death without deep sorrow. No! But we sorrow as those who have hope. And our hope rests in the promise of God. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." "He that believes in Me, will never die." "I go to prepare a place for you, and when I return I will take you with Me. So shall you ever be gloriously alive in My presence."
This is not a time to scoff at humanity's fear. Without Christ it is absolutely logical and understandable. No, this is a time when we share our hope with all God leads into our life. So many are seeking. I believe a spiritual hunger exists. Let us show and tell them of the Bread of Life and the Water of Life. We look at a world in chaos, anger, and fear, and we bemoan the culture. Instead of being uselessly critical, let's be courageously seeking the seekers. What an opportunity God is giving us! Let us not waste it in arrogant Christian narcissism. Let us show the world His peace and love as the antidote for anger and hatred. Let us not tremble in fear of the future, but radiate a confidence in the future of those who are His children. Let us be those who speak with soft answers. If we continue to act as the fearful world is acting, we will have wasted a marvelous chance to tell the lost and fearful that Jesus offers them hope and joy and purpose and meaning in their lives forever and ever. "One short sleep passed. we wake eternally, and death shall be no more." Death will die. How dare we keep that truth from a dying world!

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