Saturday, September 19, 2020



I was reminded today on many occasions of a heartbreaking and sobering truth.  Perhaps the most hated word in our country (and the world) in these times is the word:  "Sin."


"Indeed, my inheritance is beautiful to me."


He will enable you "to feast your eyes" on His salvation.


Today, and every day until you go Home, He will lavish you with good gifts.  He doesn't know how to give any other kind of gift to His beloved children.


I am held securely in the eternal, omnipotent of my Savior.  And wrapped around His hands are the eternal, omnipotent hands of my Father.  "More secure is no one ever than the loved ones of the Savior."


Life with Jesus is a symphony.


"Jesus is the sweetest name I know; and He's just the same as His lovely name."


You do not "expectantly" wait for His return by standing on a hill gazing up into Heaven.  No, you wait expectantly for His return by being about your Father's business.


As your Eternal Advocate when you stand before the Father, He will stand and say, "For this one, whom I loved before the foundation of the world, I paid His debt to sin forever, willingly.  I am His, and He is mine."


Your Savior is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.


Though it is through the enabling of the indwelling Spirit that you are empowered to obey and serve Him, when He greets you, He will say, "Thank you, for loving Me and serving others in My name."

Your life is hid in Him.  When you see Him, you will be like Him--immortal and incorruptible


The Holy Spirit has sealed you until the day of redemption.  Who do you think can break that seal?  Exactly.


He nailed all you sin, all your iniquities, all your transgression to His cross.  The "bill" is stamped, "Paid in Full."  The one who stamped the bill "paid in the full," is the God who cannot lie.


You are a joint-heir with Christ.


He will come again to escort you to the room in His Father's House that He has prepared for you.  He want you to be where I Am.


You are His adopted child, and His child by the new birth--doubly His.


He knows you by name.

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