Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story:

The old shepherd had been up all night tending the fire, alert for dangers. As always, his thoughts this time of year were on that miraculous night of--what was it now--over thirty years ago? A clear, starry night just like last night. That angel nearly gave us all a heart attack . . . he could laugh now. And what a sense of calm and serenity and peace had overwhelmed them all at those two words, "Fear not." And then the message--"The Messiah has been born in Bethlehem!" And then the whole choir showed up! Over thirty years ago . . . seems like just last night. But only three of us are left now who remember--the rush to town, the young couple, and that beautiful boy in that manger. The King . . . born in a manger. Never will forget that. Been telling people that story for . . . well, thirty years now. Not many believers. They think I'm crazy. "Spent too many days and nights hanging out with those sheep." Humph.
Went into town a few times after that to try to get another glance at the child. Didn't want to disturb the parents again though. Just kind of moseyed down the streets keeping my eyes open. Asked the townspeople about him. The folks said that he was such a gentle toddler. Everybody loved Him. Even the animals loved him.
And, of course, everybody went to town when those magi guys showed up. Impressive. Said they had come to worship the King of the Jews! Caused a few people who had questioned our story to think twice. And then that evil fox Herod sent those soldiers. To kill little babies! He answered for that when he stood before the King of the Universe I'm sure. The heart of man . . . wicked. Oh, we need a savior!
Up here in the fields we were stunned and heart-broken when we heard about it. And then we heard that the husband--Joseph, I think his name was--had taken his wife and child and left just a couple days before the soldiers came. Warned by God I'll bet. Don't know where they went. And I haven't heard a word about that baby boy--he'd be a young man by now. Puzzling. By this time shouldn't the Messiah have made Himself known to the people?
And then those rumors started coming in--even to us poor shepherds out here in the wilderness. A young rabbi, preaching about a kingdom, performing miracles. Same name too--Jesus, Jehovah saves. Sounds as if he's about the right age. From Galilee though. But maybe that's where the family ended up when they fled Herod. They weren't from Bethlehem originally. Had just arrived that night the child was born. Came from somewhere. Came to register for that tax thing. Ahhh, well.
"Josiah! Time to get up boy!" He shook his young grandson awake. "Sun's coming up. You need to get going. It's a little bit of a trip. Wish I could go with you but my old arthritic legs won't allow it. You pay particular attention to everything he says so you can tell me when you get back. I know that I would recognize him if I could just see him, look into his eyes. Sounds crazy, I know, Josiah, since I only saw him as a baby and a toddler. But I'm sure your old crazy grandpa would know Him. And I have to know Josiah! I have to know if it's Him--"little Jesus" all grown up! You won't mind missing a couple of days up here in the fields will you? Remember tell me everything He says--and does. I just have to know! And be careful. Oh, I packed you a small lunch--just some loaves and a few fish. Remember--I want to know everything he says--and does!
Is this rabbi, miracle-worker my Jesus? I must know."

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