is always a scary proposition. Why? Humans. All of us at times
unintentionally and intentionally prove ourselves to be untrustworthy.
Everyone that you trust will at times disappoint. Your trust will at
times, by some, be taken advantage of. Some of the greatest sorrows in
life come when those who above all others should have been true and
trustworthy chose instead to deliberately, callously, dare I say, maliciously, betray our trust. What to do? How should one respond?
The answer is simple: trust. Think of it this way. What if the Lord
quit using us as His light and salt, quit using us to take His place as
His witness to the world, quit trusting us when we had proved ourselves
untrustworthy? We'd all be "on the shelf," would we not? Way back in
that shelf in the back of the garage. Forgotten. Labeled "useless."
"This 'product' cannot be trusted to do God's work."
We need to
understand that loving someone and trusting someone are inseparable.
Can a love not resting on trust even exist? Sure, there will be moments
of disappointment. Some times we will be the "disappointer." But as we
continue to trust--and forgiveness is essential to a life of
trust--love matures and grows. Deepens. In fact, we can never grasp the
full depth of love until we are trusted again after we have failed to be
trustworthy. Neither can those in our lives whom we are called to love
unconditionally begin to understand the full measure of love until we
trust them to be trustworthy after they have failed. If God continues to
trust us, humans that we are (humans who have even been given the Holy
Spirit to enable us!), even after we fail to be worthy of trust, how can
we not continue to trust?
You see, the real reason we don't
trust is because we are more in love with ourselves than we are with the
other person. You call that selfishness--the worst kind of
selfishness, selfish love.
Is trusting easy? Not a chance.
Will you be hurt and taken advantage of at times? Undoubtedly. But you
and the people in your life will never understand what it means to be
loved if we don't trust. And tell me, who in your life has God called
you to love as unconditionally as He loves you? Exactly.
I cannot trust and obey Him if I do not trust others.
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