Did you celebrate your gifts today?
Chosen before the foundation of the world so that one day you can stand
in God's presence holy and blameless--a citizen of Heaven.
Lovingly adopted into His family through the willing atonement made by His Son, the focus of the Father's eternal loving care.
Redeemed through His blood, even our transgressions--our deliberate sins forgiven; His grace lavished upon us.
Given the insight and wisdom to know His will--that in the consummation
of human history Christ, our Savior, will be the center of it all,
"that everything that exists in Heaven or earth will find its perfection
and fulfillment in Him."
Obtained an inheritance, a guaranteed hope--a confidence--that we will be to the praise of His glory.
Sealed as His eternal possession by the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit.
"Celebrate with praises the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who
has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in
"And this is my prayer: That God, the God of our Lord
Jesus Christ and the all glorious Father, will give you spiritual
wisdom and insight to know more of Him: that you may receive that inner
illumination of the Spirit which will make you realize how great is the
hope to which He is calling you--the magnificence and splendor of the
inheritance promised to Christians--and how tremendous the power
available to us who believe in God." (Phillips)
These gifts
resting totally in the good, pleasing will of God the Father can never
be lost or stolen or tarnished or rusted through or moth eaten or in
anyway diminished.
Is there any day, then, under any
circumstances that our hearts should not be filled to overflowing with
joy and gratitude and trust and loving obedience?
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