Right and wrong are not decided by a Gallop poll. "A majority of Americans now believe" . . . is irrelevant.
Right and wrong are not decided by Congress or a majority of Supreme
Court Justices or even political documents such as the Constitution of
the United States.
Right and wrong are not determined by my personal convictions, by my statement "I believe that "such and such" is right--or wrong.
Right and wrong are not even determined by someone's willingness to die for what they believe in.
Right and wrong is not a by-product of man's reasoning abilities or his
emotional response to any issue no matter how sincere. Man is a fallen
creature--marred by sin in his entire being.
The infinitely
good, righteous, holy, loving, immutable God has revealed to us through
His Word what is right and what is wrong. Any discussion of right and
wrong must begin with those four words that we too often hate to hear
and so instantaneously and easily begin to chafe under in our puny but
arrogant self-righteous pride: "Thus, says the Lord."
Now the
reason we should be clear in communicating what God says is right and
what God says is wrong is because the man or woman who dies in his or her sins
will spend eternity separated from God and all that is good and lovely
and beautiful and glorious and worthy of praise. How can I possibly say
to someone that "I love them" and then, refuse to speak of the sin that
will keep them forever separated from Eternal Love? To agree with a man
or woman that their sin is really not sin, or really not a big deal, is
to hate them, to despise their eternal souls. And how horrible would
it be to do that masquerading under the guise of "love"?
Jesus said, more than a few times, "Unless you repent, you will die in
your sins." And He came into the world, lived a sinless life, and died
for our sins, so that anyone who recognizes his or her sinful condition
and need of a Savior and who believes in Him--trusts fully and
solely--on His finished atoning work on the cross will not perish but
have everlasting life lavished by Eternal Love--surrounded by all that
is good and lovely and beautiful and glorious and worthy of praise.
Christ Jesus came into the world to call sinners to repentance--not the
"righteous." How can we do less--sinners who have been led by His
Spirit to put our faith in His marvelous grace?
"The wages of sin is eternal death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
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