Friday, March 28, 2014


One of the most dangerous things we can do in evaluating a man's ideas and our response to them is to decide their validity based on our opinion of the man. No man is immune from wrong assumptions, wrong reasoning, and thus wrong ideas. For example, just because I am a conservative Republican or a liberal Democrat that doesn't mean that all the ideas presented for my approval by Republicans or by Democrats are right ideas. No party of men has a corner on right. As a Christian I must start with the premise the idea is based on. No matter how legitimate the idea may seem in its final form, if it is based on error, I cannot support the idea. The ends do not justify the means as we well know, but often forget--or ignore.
And we must always remember that laws cannot change hearts. Unless I am in the business of being salt and light, all the legislation in the world will not change the culture in which I live.
Nothing is more dangerous than a Christian who refuses to evaluate the ideas of programs presented by his country's leaders against the teaching of Scripture. To give assent to wrong ideas is to be a participant in the carrrying out of those ideas. And it is not necessary to wait for everyone else--or anyone else--to do the right thing when I already know what is the right thing to do right now. And it is never a choice between the lesser of two evils. I am either supporting evil or righteousness. They cannot coexist. They are enemies--forever. Choose wisely.

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