Sunday, March 30, 2014

More and More

"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."

Paul prays that we would be constantly growing in truth and love. It is essential that our love be bound in truth and that our truth be saturated with love. Discerning love is a characteristic of a committed follower of Christ. And the disciple is never satisfied with the depth of his understanding of God's truth nor with the extravagance of his love for others. "More and more" is his daily prayer--experientially.
Why is such a continuous balanced growth essential--growth in love and truth? First, such growth gives one the insight to distinguish what things in this world are excellent, as God defines excellent. And being able to differentiate between what is excellent and what is not allows the growing disciple to pray for the right things with a thankful heart and to make the right choices with a heart permeated by God's peace. And then, secondly, being able to pray with confident thanksgiving and being able to choose the excellent enables the growing saint--holy one--to live a life of sincerity--devoid of hypocrisy--and a life that is blameless in the eyes of God and men--both saved and unsaved. Yes, right choices are the foundation for right living. (Imagine that!) And, thirdly, what are the supernatural consequences of right living--a transformed life. No, more than that--a life that is constantly being transformed. New creations in Christ are changed human beings and constantly changing human beings. All things are new, and life consists of the continual struggle of putting off the old and putting on the new by the regenerative, transformational power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Right choices leads to the disciple being "filled with the fruit of righteousness" which is only possible through a relationship with Jesus Christ. What is righteousness? What does it look like? "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." That's God definition of the "fruit of righteousness." And even as I demonstrate those things today, God's purpose is that I become "more and more" transformed--more loving to all people, more joyous in the depths of my sorrows, more at peace in all circumstances, more patient with those in my life that remind me of myself, more kind--forgiving, more full of goodness, more unwaveringly faithful, more willing to stoop over gently and lift up the fallen, more dead to my selfish wants. That only happens as I obediently grow in love and truth through submission to the life of Christ that lives within me. And finally, what is the outcome of my "more and more" growth--of my right choices, righteous living, and transformed life? God's praise and glory. I will be empowered to live a life that leaves the perfume of His presence in all that I do and say. What astounding love that God can use a human being to glorify Himself every moment of their daily walk!
May we begin by joining Paul and interceding for those that we love that they may desire a "more and more" growth. And may we daily submit to the Spirit's control of our lives so that we may grow "more and more" and daily develop a deeper understanding of His truth and daily display a fuller demonstration of His love.


More and more.

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