Sunday, August 10, 2014

Reflections on Joy

If I'm lacking joy in my walk, there's a simple reason. I'm living such a self-centered life that there's no room for the joy. Joy comes into our heart when we are focused on pouring ourselves out for the needs of others.

I do not have to be in complete agreement on every issue with every believer in order to share the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ: I will willing set aside all my rights and privileges in order to do God's will. I will be a genuine, spontaneous servant to those around me. I will commit myself to a Spirit empowered life of service to others until my ministry is finished and Christ calls me home.

"Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus." Yes, that's a command.


In context, the command "do all things without murmuring and disputing" is a command that directly affects our ability to be lights to the world in which we live. Do your unsaved friends, neighbors, fellow workers see you as a complainer--a murmurer and disputer? Then, they do not see you as a light to the world holding forth the light of the Gospel. How tragic is it to believe we are holding forth the light when in actuality we have hidden our light--His Light--under the basket of contentiousness?

"For God so loved the world that He gave . . ." God's love is a lifestyle characterized by humble, joy-filled obedience, humble service to others, the humble release of all that we are and all that we have to His purposes, and the humble bowing of our knees to the will of God each and every day. And you know how you bow your knees, don't you?

 Joy--true joy--is meant to be shared.

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