Lord, help me to love You with all my heart today. May my one desire be to do Your will in all things. May I love to do Your will--nothing more; nothing less. May I give thanks in all things for You have chosen me to be Your follower, Your disciple, a doer of Your will. May I do always those things that please You.
Lord, help me to love You with all my soul. May I surrender every part of who I am to Your transforming power. May I hold nothing back. May I surrender all. Search my heart; try me; change me. May each day there be less of me and more of You shining through my life.
Lord, help me to love You with all my mind. May Your presence be always in my thoughts, Your Word my meditation. May Your truth sanctify my heart, purify my love, deepen my understanding. May I embrace that You are the Logos, that knowing You--the Word in Whom resides all wisdom--I can see the world and the people in it as they really are--as You see them.
Lord, help me to love You with all my strength. May I not grow weary in doing well. May I give You my weaknesses and my perceived strengths so that Your grace can be made perfect in me, so that by the power of Your strength, I can do your will, surrender all that I am to You, know You and the power of Your resurrection in my daily walk..
And Lord, help me to love my neighbor--family, friend, and stranger. No, not as I love myself for You through the example of Your cross have given me a greater, new commandment. Help me to love them as graciously, kindly, sacrificially, and unconditionally as You loved me. May I die to myself and take up any cross in order to show the world Your love.
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