Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Christians are often looking at spiritual truths, evaluating God's character, but how often do we see things in the way He desires to see them. Take Isaiah, for example. He had been looking at the people around him and was appalled at their wickedness and apathy toward God's holiness. Then, God allowed him to look into Heaven itself and see the pre-incarnate Christ in all His glory. And Isaiah's looking turned to seeing.
What is the evidence? It was no longer, "Woe are they" but "Woe is me." He finally saw what the right reaction to God's glory should be. He finally saw himself in comparison to God. And what happened when he saw? Humility and repentance and awe. How could God want to have anything to do with him?
God's response? Cleansing. Followed by a call. "I have something that has to be done, and I need someone to do it. Is there anybody out there willing? Isaiah's response--and he had no idea what God wanted done or where or when--"Send me; I'll do it; whatever it is." Gone was the "holier than thou" attitude; in its place was humility. Gone was the self-trust; in its place was God-dependence. Gone was the claim of "my ministry"; in its place was a desire to do God's work anywhere at anytime. Gone was the judging of others; in its place was a cry for God's personal cleansing. In its place was submission to the call regardless of the results.
Did Isaiah's message change? No. But the heart behind the message did. Have you looked at God lately, at His character, at the revelation of His truth? Did you see Him or merely look? Was it a glance or adoration? When you see Him, your desire will be to be like Him. The person you will examine will be yourself and what He has called you to do will be an honor--anywhere, anytime, anything. In fact, everywhere, all the time, in all things you will desire to be in submission to His call, out of reverence for His holiness--and the incredible miracle that He would choose to use you for His work on earth.

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