"There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven that are an abomination to His soul:
Haughty eyes--pride, arrogance, rebellion, defiance
A lying tongue--truth twisters, betrayers, false teachers, vow breakers, blasphemers
Hands that shed innocent blood--those who take the life of the innocent of any and all ages; those who scoff at the sanctity of life
A heart that devises wicked plans--those who lie awake at night planning what evil they can do tomorrow
Feet that run rapidly to evil--they hasten in the morning to put their plots into action--find joy in their evil behavior
A false witness who utters lies--perjurers, false accusers, blame-gamers
One who spreads strife among brothers--trouble makers, gossips, creators of dissension."
God is not into subtlety.
But what then must bring delight to His soul?
Humility--those who put the needs of others above their own, servants
Truth tellers--the honest, the loyal, the vow keepers, those with integrity
Hands that protect the innocent--preservers of life,
A loving heart that rejoices in every opportunity to do good
Feet that run to do good--those that delight in righteous living
An honest witness--those who can be trusted to tell the truth regardless of what it costs them
Peacemakers--between God and men; and men and men
Be a delight to the soul of God.
But what then must bring delight to His soul?
Humility--those who put the needs of others above their own, servants
Truth tellers--the honest, the loyal, the vow keepers, those with integrity
Hands that protect the innocent--preservers of life,
A loving heart that rejoices in every opportunity to do good
Feet that run to do good--those that delight in righteous living
An honest witness--those who can be trusted to tell the truth regardless of what it costs them
Peacemakers--between God and men; and men and men
Be a delight to the soul of God.
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