Thursday, August 13, 2015


Faithfulness knows that love and obedience cannot be separated.
Faithfulness endures because of joy.
Faithfulness understands that it must be done one step at a time, moment by moment.
Faithfulness is never in a hurry; it is patient.
Faithfulness does not demand earthly reward or recognition.
Faithfulness begins each day on its knees.
Faithfulness does not view acts of kindness as a distraction from steadfastness.
Faithfulness needs no followers.
Faithfulness is diligent.
Faithfulness while running the race, always stops to help the injured runner and stays focused on the example of the One who finished the race with joy.
Faithfulness strives for excellence not merely success and makes no excuse for failure.
Faithfulness is not too proud or too stubborn to accept a helping hand of love.
Faithfulness in deep poverty gives abundantly.
Faithfulness is not concerned when it sees everyone else headed in the opposite direction.
Faithfulness is careful to not take even one step to the right hand or the left.
Faithfulness leaves the consequences in the hands of his sovereign, loving, ever-faithful Father.
Faithfulness knows that the principle of sowing and reaping is a declaration of God's compassionate love.
Faithfulness finishes.

"Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass. Brethren, pray for us."

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