Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Spiritually Prosperous

Spiritually prosperous--the only true prosperity--are those who humbly recognize that all the beauty and goodness that resides within them is a gracious gift from God their Father. Moment by moment they demonstrate to all the richness of kingdom membership--godliness with contentment.
Spiritually prosperous are those who show their broken heart for the broken world and the broken people in that world. The God of All Comfort will daily immerse them in a sense of His presence and will, one day, wipe all tears from their eyes.
Spiritually prosperous are those who use the strength that God gives them to gently and meekly stoop down to lift up the fallen. As His servants, they will one day live and reign with Him--the Perfect Servant.
Spiritually prosperous are those who seek their satisfaction in the milk and meat of the Word--eagerly obeying its righteous commands. They will be continually filled with the Spirit.
Spiritually prosperous are those who tenderheartedly, in kindness, forgive all others as they themselves have been freely and unconditionally forgiven by Him. They will deeply sense the wonder and love of His daily intercession on their behalf before the Father.
Spiritually prosperous are those whose heart's desire is to have a heart like His--to be more and more like Him--pure in motive and action. One day, clothed in the incorruptible righteousness of their righteous Advocate, they will stand redeemed in the very presence of the Holy God--eternally accepted in The Beloved.
Spiritually prosperous are those who live a quiet, tranquil life, uncontentious, maligning no one, adverse to self-defense, interceding even for their enemies, they, themselves, living, as an enemy of strife and division. They will be recognized as children of the Sovereign Lord--King of Kings, Almighty God, Ruler of His universe.
Spiritually prosperous are those who as they become more and more like Him and less and less like the world in which they live are found worthy to suffer joyfully for His sake.
Spiritually prosperous are those who as His salt in a world whose tendency is toward rottenness and as His light in a world that loves its darkness daily make His presence felt by all with whom they interact--who, in whatever they do--glorify His matchless Name.

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