Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Motions

Nothing is more heart-breaking to our God of love than for us to go through all the motions of worship and then live an unrighteous life the rest of the week. Nothing is more deadly to the kingdom's mission either. Some people will go to church tomorrow with a heart of stone; not knowing Christ as their Savior the Word will have--can have--no impact on their lives. Pray that the Spirit will call them--today is the day of salvation. Some will listen to the Word tomorrow and be moved emotionally but as soon as they discover that being obedient to what they heard taught will bring them into conflict with the world, they will refuse to obey. Pray that God will instill them with the courage to count the cost and still be faithful. Some will sit under the teaching of God's Word, but be intent on living "the best of both worlds"--trying vainly to be immersed in the world and still follow Christ. No man can serve two masters. The only fruit they will produce is worry and a luke-warm God-sickening, lifestyle. Pray that they will seek first the Kingdom of God and let Him take care of the other stuff. Some will sit under the Word and pray that with the Spirit's enabling they will daily be empowered to take up their cross and follow Him--live a life of faithfulness no matter what. What heart will you bring?

Nothing is more heart-breaking to our God of love than for us to go through all the motions of worship and then live an unrighteous life the rest of the week. And nothing is more deadly to the kingdom's mission either.

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