Sunday, December 29, 2019

Prayers for 2020

For those of you who have been patiently following my thoughts through the years, you know that at this time of year, I do not make New Year Resolutions. I have no doubt that I will not be able to keep them in my own strength. So instead I lay before the throne my requests for the year to come. Ending each one with the prayer He always answers, "Nevertheless, Thy will be done." And answers lovingly--and in His time. Here are my requests for 2020. Some I've been praying for years--He doesn't mind in the least hearing them again. Some He has newly laid on my heart. He cherishes those as well--incense before His sovereign throne.
1. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight--each and every day. You are my Rock and my Redeemer.
2. May all those who enter my room be safe in every way--physically, spiritually, emotionally, academically. And may they know that they are safe.
3. May You give me the strength and wisdom that I need to fulfill Your calling in my life. I love those I serve, those I serve with, and where I serve--but it is not easy. May I through my life and words touch those young hearts You've assigned to my care that they may know that even though it's not easy, it has been worth it all to follow You.
4. May You give me opportunities to share my faith, courage to embrace the opportunities, and confidence to trust that the words the Spirit puts on my lips are the precise truths that need to be shared.
5. May I be honest enough to admit that there are so many things that I don't know and not try to hide behind the arrogance of self-image.
6. May I have many more walks with You at The Acres filled with a heart of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds me and the beauty of a sense of Your presence.
7. May Your people rejoice in the persecution that comes our way--amazed and humbled that You count us worthy to suffer for Your sake. May we pray as passionately and lovingly for our enemies as we do for our friends.
8. May You comfort all those who have suffered loss, who have an empty place in their lives and around their tables. May I never forget to pray for them no matter how long ago they experienced the loss.
9. May I always rest in Your forgiveness and mercy and grace.
10. May the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.
11. May I live a life that radiates both my eagerness to serve others in Your name, and my eagerness to see You face-to-face when You are ready to call me Home.
12. May You open the eyes of those I love that at one point in their lives looked upon Your cross and said, "O, how He loved Me"--and now look upon Your cross and say, "That's not love." I plead with the Spirit that He--because only He can--will take away the blindness.
13. May Your Spirit anoint my words with the promise that Your Word never returns to You empty.
14. May I leave my yesterdays and tomorrows in Your hands.
15. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Quickly.


We need to focus so much more on celebrating someone's strengths than criticizing his or her weaknesses. The one is called edification. Its antonym is vilification. Edification deepens one's love for someone else. It strengthens two people's love for one another. Vilification not only destroys love, but may in time destroy the one--or ones--we are called to love. "Love covers a multitude of sins." Constant criticism hardens the heart and builds resistance in a heart to humility, and thus, repentance. Those two traits flourish in a heart that knows love--gracious, encouraging love. If we instead water their hearts with negativity will they not believe that God's attitude toward them is the same? Will they not doubt His love for them as well? Will not their understanding of His love wither and die? Nothing is harder than a hard heart. A critical spirit toward others is the soil in which the seed of bitterness is planted in their souls. And nothing is harder to root out of someone's heart than bitterness. We turn them into Esau's--face filled with the bitter tears of self-pity but not one tear of hope and joy for the mercy and grace that God--who knows them better than anyone else--is eager to pour into their lives. Are we going to be nurturers of the hearts we love? Or are we going to be refiners of hearts of stone?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

O Love

"Your life is hid in Christ."
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
Your sins, iniquities, and transgressions He has nailed to His cross. Debt--paid in full.
He has taken all your sins and cast them into the bottomless sea of His loving forgetfulness. "I will remember their sins no more."
How must I respond to such infinite mercy, infinite grace and infinite love? Only one way:
"O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, that in Thy ocean's depths its flow may richer, fuller be."


"Fear not."
"Let not your heart be troubled."
"Take no thought for tomorrow."
Encouragement from the Sovereign God of the Universe to you His child. In fact, you can put your name in front of each of those calls to obedience. That is what they are, you know?!
Al, fear not.
Al, let not your heart be troubled.
Al, take no thought for tomorrow.
Try it. Put your name there---He knows it--is delighted to know you by name. Try it.
And then, get going. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." He's never found a cup in the hands of a faithful servant that He couldn't overflow. And you should see the table He can prepare!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at The Acres. Up early--the Alarm Clock insists. Watched the light of day emerge. Breakfast--eggs, sausage, and English muffin. Orange juice to drink. Never fear the Pepsi came a tad later! Slow and quiet beginning to the day--perfect for The Acres.
My Lap Top and I spend part of the morning admiring our feathered friends at breakfast. The only service she can provides is purring. Christmas bells were provided by the blue jays. I don't know what you would call the staccato of the chickadees. My tree ornaments keep moving from tree to tree to the patio. None of them break when they "fall." Reds, olive greens, black and whites, a touch of yellow in the tails of the goldfinch when they fly off, purples, slate blue gray of the nuthatches, lots of browns, white vees as the snowbirds take flight. Yes, my ornaments are always on the move. And I never have to put up or take down the trees. 
I do have a little tree that stays decorated year round. I set it up when I read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve. A memory tree if you will. Some of the ornaments on that tree have to be over a hundred years old--maybe the tree itself. Add a few candles (Hanukkah candles!), and it creates a beautiful aura especially with the lights turned off. Can't leave it up long--someone I know likes to play with dangling things.
The morning walk was peaceful. Nothing, of course, is blooming--a couple of months til that starts up again. But I'm sure they're thinking about it. Greens, though, everywhere--firs, pines, blue spruce, Lenten rose, grasses. Blue-gray sky. Browns and blacks and whites. The pussy willow by the pond is already budding. The pond itself is ice-covered.
I love my Christmas at The Acres. The silence. The calm. The subtle colors. The movement and brightness of my feathered friends. Even the purring of my Lap Top. Serenity is probably the best word to describe my morning. The Creator who is my Savior always makes His presence known here The Acres. The King is on His throne.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Monologue

A Christmas Monologue: Imagine
The old shepherd mingled with the small group of pilgrims headed up to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. As the evening darkened, he introduced himself to the stragglers at the end of the line who had just started a small fire to ward off the nighttime chill:
"Greetings my friends. I, too, am headed to the Passover feast. May I join you by the fire? Bless you. My name is Micah. I have been a shepherd here in the hills of Judea practically my entire life. What a beautiful place to tend the flocks! The rolling hills of the Judean countryside, the many small, still pools for the sheep to drink--I would not trade places with anyone. And to spend a night under the stars of promise . . . magnificent. I am not the young whippersnapper I use to be; just an old one now, but my life is full. I go to the Passover as often as I can get away, full of expectations.
Can I tell you my story? Oh, it's not a story story--it really happened to me over thirty years ago, but I love to tell the story. You may think that I am a senile old man making up fantasies--but it is not so. It happened when my friends and I were on the night shift--keeping watch over the flock, keeping them safe from predators. I loved the night shift--dark, still, the million stars of promise. Stars of promise? Oh, you know the story, don't you? Jehovah called Abraham out of his tent and into the darkness: "Look up Abraham and tell me what you see. Yes, a million, million stars. I make you a promise My friend: your descendants shall be as numerous as those stars." And childless Abraham looked up at those stars, and though he could never do the math, he believed God! "I believe my God that you will--not can--will make it so." What faith! (Jehovah, of course, knows the numbers of the stars and calls them all by name!). Abraham's answer so delighted God's heart that He gave our father an even greater gift. "Abraham, because of your faith in My promise, I declare you righteous." Declared righteous! The greatest gift of all!
Anyway, I digress. Back to the hillside! It was chilly--like tonight--so we had started a few small fires. Bright enough to let the predators know we were there. Not so bright as to frighten the sheep. Sheep are such stupid and paranoid creatures. No wonder God compares us to them--a little slow and paranoid, eh? I was standing at the very edge of our campsite--right where the light of the fire begins to fade and the darkness begins. I was standing there, rod and staff in hand, listening to the sheep and taking in the stars. (I'm one of those stars you know. A star of the promise!) Suddenly, the countryside turned as bright as day--brighter! I turned--and here you may begin to doubt me--I saw an angel--as radiant as the sun. Petrified--I was petrified. My knees were knocking together--doing the Belshazzar waltz--but I couldn't move. And then the angel spoke. "Don't be afraid, Joel, be still Levi, Andrew, be courageous Micah. I bring you good news--the gospel. Fear not!" And at his voice I went from terrified to perfect peace. "This very day has been born for you--in Bethlehem--the Christ, the Messiah, your Savior. You must go to Bethlehem and find Him. You will know Him for He is wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." I confess. I was incredulous. The Messiah born in a manger. Come on. But a whisper touched my doubts. "Yes, Micah, the Messiah was born into one of the poorest families in all Israel. Who is like Jehovah?" My doubts fled. And suddenly the whole angel choir showed up. They surrounded us, shouting and singing, "Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth to men of good will! The hills echoed! We couldn't help ourselves and joined in wholeheartedly. "Glory to God in the highest!!" And then, whoosh, as suddenly as they appeared they were gone. We stood in the fading light of our fires, the night closing in, silence everywhere except for the bleating of the sheep, the stars of promise growing brighter in the darkness. Impetuous me--I took off for Bethlehem. "Let's go my friends. The angel told us to go and find our Savior! Come on. You can't tell an angel, "No." Don't worry--they'll keep watch over the sheep."
So off we went. Laughing, shouting, dancing, running, standing still and looking at each other in wonder. What a journey! And a short one. We made good time believe me. When we reached the city, we began to search. Not too difficult. Bethlehem is such a tiny city. Then, I heard Joel whisper. "Look! I see candle light in that stable." We cautiously peeked inside. A young woman lay back on a bed of sorts. You could see her exhaustion. But how beautiful she was! A mother with child--is there anything more beautiful? Next to her stood her husband, his arm around her giving her his strength. Oh, you could tell they were in love. She had her head resting on his shoulder. (A sure sign of love gentlemen--head resting on the shoulder--trust me.)
We barged in. Well, I did--and the guys followed me. We scared them, of course. "Oh, I'm sorry. Don't be afraid. Angels send us to find you--to see your baby. You probably don't believe in angels from God giving messages to His people, but I swear that . . . Oh, you do believe that happens . . . Who is like Jehovah. Ah, my name is Micah--a shepherd. This is Enoch. Levi and Simeon--yes, twins. Andrew. The tall one in the back with curly hair, Joel. You? Joseph! That's a strong name. What a man of God Joseph was! Miriam. Miriam. What a beautiful name. Miriam. To say it is like whispering a song. The baby? Over there. Oh, in the manger. In the manger. Look, Enoch. Wrapped in swaddling clothes. In the manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes--just as the angel said. Our Messiah. "Joseph, have you chosen a name for him yet? I know, you have eight days, but I was just . . . Jesus. Jehovah saves. Yes. Yes! Pardon? Gabriel told you to name Him that. Gabriel? Oh, that Gabriel . . . Angels giving messages from God to His servants. Can't tell an angel, "no," right? What all did he say?"
"You will name Him, Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."
Our sins, our sins. Save us from our sins. Oh, Miriam, may I hold your child. Don't be afraid. I'm a great baby holder. Got three of my own. Youngest is only three months old. Isaac. Our first son. Laughter--a son of promise. I'll be gentle. I promise. One tear, and I'll put Him down. Oh, thank you."
Andrew, look, I have the Savior of the world in my arms. Our Savior. My Savior. In my arms. So beautiful and calm. Fearless at a day old! (I couldn't help but kiss Him. Okay, more than once.) Can I sing my favorite psalm for Him, Miriam? I sing terribly. Forget the words. Add my own. But my heart is bursting with a song. Please? Forgive my noise. And my improvisation. Thank you.
My favorite. 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He leads me to feast in the pastures so green. He leads me to drink at the still, quiet spring. He restoreth my soul. He restoreth my soul. Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil for You are my breath. Thy rod and Thy staff are a comfort to me. You anoint me with blessings that my enemy must see. Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days, all the days of my life. Yes, surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days, all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He restoreth my soul. He restoreth my soul.
"Again sorry for the personal rendition. My heart must sing. I"ll put Him down now. Nary a tear! Brave child. I think He likes me.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion. We had to come. The angel . . . We will go now. Thank you, for your hospitality and patience Joseph. Thank you for your gentle graciousness, Miriam. Miriam. Miriam. God has given you the greatest gift. What a treasure He has given you two Out you go guys. Move along you whippersnappers."
Five steps out the door, I had to go back. "Forgive me Joseph. Forgive me Miriam." I went and knelt by the cradle. And prayed this prayer. "Jehovah-Jireh. I do not know how You will use this lovely child, Your Christ, to take away my sins. It seems so impossible. How? How? But I believe! i believe You, my Lord and my God. I believe! Through this child, our Savior, You will save me from my sins. Yes, yes, yes. I, too, will be declared righteous. Glory to God in the highest.
On the way back to the fields we woke up everyone. Shouting, "Wake up Bethlehem! Glory to God in the highest. He has send His Messiah, the Christ, here, today. To take away our sins. Wake up Bethlehem! Wake up Judea! Wake up Jerusalem! Wake up world. The Savior has been sent. Believe! He will take away your sin! Wash them white as snow. Only believe."
And so, my story ends. But I tell it again every chance I get.
How could I not. And so, now you know why I go to the Passover feast with such anticipation. He walks in Israel this day. I know I will see Him again. He is going to save me from my sins. Thirty-three years I have been waiting for Him. Maybe this year? He will save me from my sins. He will. Wash me white as snow. I believe.
"Look at those stars. One of them is me. Are you a star of the promise? 'The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He restoreth my soul. He restoreth my soul.'"

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lies and Promises

When the devil has you paralyzed thinking about your past--all those failures and mistakes; things you shouldn't have said or done and things you did say and do . . . When the devil has you paralyzed thinking that what God has called you to do today seems impossible--and maybe even irrelevant . . . When the devil has you paralyzed fearing a future that can't help but be a disaster . . .
There is only one thing to do: Obey. Live a life of obedience today.
Ask all those faithful saints from the past who are now resting in His presence what He can do with yesterday's trials and failures. How do I ask them? Is that a Bible I see on your desk?
Remember the only way to run the marathon of the Christian life is one step at a time. It is impossible to run it any other way. The journey Home is made up of single steps. And millions of faithful saints have already arrived at the "finish line." Triumphantly. How'd they manage it? How did they get there? You know.
Rejoice! (yes, that's an exclamation point!) Each day has been given you for that very purpose--to rejoice and be glad in it. And He has promised you all the strength you need for this day. And wait until you cast that net one more time. "Master, we haven't caught a thing all day and all night; nevertheless, at Your word we will cast it one more time." The abundant life He has called you to is one filled with overflowing nets. So cast away--He has the fish ready, right where He wants them, when He wants them there.
The future? Here's what the future holds for His children: you will see Him; you will be transformed into His likeness--immortal and incorruptible; you will forever be with Him; you cannot even begin to imagine all He intends to do for you in the eternity to come--it's so marvelous that it's impossible to put into words. I think your future may be okay.
Don't be paralyzed by the enemy's lies. Be energized by the omnipotent God's promises. Your Father's promises.
"Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same. All may fail but Jesus never, glory to His name." A dance of exalted joy is permissible. And if your feet can't manage it, your heart and mind and lips sure can.
Loving obedience to the promises is the cure for the paralyzing fear of the lies.


If I fail to show grace to those who have disappointed me (including myself)--and often have no idea that they've disappointed me . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are saying one thing about their dedication to and love for Christ yet doing things that suggest that that can't possibly be true (remember as someone has said, "we can never see our own face.") . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who have failed . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who have deliberately hurt me and betrayed our friendship . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are apathetic toward their walk with Christ . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who refuse to admit that they are sinners in need of a Savior--they are quite sure (if not adamantly sure) that they are good enough to please God . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who immaturity reveals that they are--believe it or not--immature . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are not Christians and thus act as if they are not Christians (can you imagine that?!) . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who disagree with me on certain issues (disagree with me!!!) . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are not living up to my expectations . . .
Then, as someone has said, "I know nothing of Calvary's love."
"Grace 'tis a charming sound" the old hymn states. How charming are you?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Sword

The Spirit wields His Sword--the Word of God--in order to send us running to the foot of the Throne of God seeking His mercy and help. We are to come boldly crying out that He will answer our prayer for transformation hastily; yet, fully submissive to His perfect timing in all things. The Sword's purpose is to purge out those things in our lives that detract from His likeness being evident in all that we do or say. The first truth that the Sword asserts is that I need to be changed--not someone else. My prayer is that I will be a faithful branch relying totally on Him since without Him working in my life, I can do nothing. But when totally dependent on the Spirit, I can do all the things He has called me to do. Even the rebuke of the righteous must be seen as the anointing that makes my cup run over with blessing and makes me a better vessel fit for His service. The deadliness of spiritual pride must be humbled in my life by His hand of love. And God cannot wield His Sword if it sits idly on my table until Sunday church. A Sword in its scabbard--even a two-edged one--is useless unless I embrace a first-hand relationship with its cleansing power. Immerse yourself in the Word, embrace its cutting edge, and hasten to the foot of the throne pleading for His mercy and His help in becoming more like Him. Every day.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Flat Tires

Backroads of Morrow County Update:
Dealing with a flat tire yesterday eventually led to a late night trip home backroad's style. I ended up with one of those little fake tires, and since they told me to not go over 50 on the way home, I eschewed the highway and wandered home the good way. The best part was that no one was on the roads but the chubby, old boy guy so I could meander at any speed I chose. Slow, slower, slowest---even stopped once to take in a marvelous manger scene. That was the beauty of the trip last night--Christmas lights everywhere glowing in the darkness of a dark country road. Some of the homes were just lights--some simple and elegant,, some abundant in light but beautiful, some just gaudy. Not many manger scenes, but some glorious ones. It was my visual "high" for the season. I may be tempted to try some other roads or re-do this trip from the other direction. Peaceful. Serenely shining out of darkness. Myriad colors. I wonder if anyone has ever done a study on Christmas displays revealing the person's character? Anyway, I love the meandering. Some folks are supreme artists. And going slow made it all glorious. Who knew a flat tire had so much potential for a beautiful late evening excursion? Beauty from ashes. And I had a nice little Christmas conversation with the young man who changed my tire. Seeds in the darkness may grow in the light If watered with a little prayer. Find the wonder in your "flat tires" today. It's good for the soul.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Personal prejudice: Beware of the man or woman who keeps trying to impress you with all he or she is doing for Jesus. It has been my experience that the person who is faithfully serving our Lord does not feel the need to tell anyone what he is doing for his Savior. In fact, he or she is uncomfortable when their service attracts the attention and acclaim of others. They would rather be "invisible." Their prayer is that all the glory for whatever is accomplished be His and His alone. Humility not spiritual pride is the attribute that defines them--the attribute of the maturing saint. They feel no need whatsoever to draw attention to themselves. They struggle with that temptation every day. Sadly, in many instances those who are trying to impress others use that aura of "spirituality" to try to control others in addition to using their "service" to exalt themselves. Such "spirituality" is actually idolatry. Self-love. And, as I said, it's a love used to manipulate others into following them and honoring them and not God. Let the one that boasts, boast in the Lord alone.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Jesus forced the rich young ruler to acknowledge his real god. Though he turned away, I am certain that he never forgot that conversation. What motivated Jesus to open the young man's eyes to his idolatry, and to the reality that his idol separated him from knowing God and from having eternal life? How deeply He loved him. It is not love to withhold the truth so as not to hurt someone's feelings. Speak the truth in love, but speak it. Our culture worships the same god the rich young ruler worshiped. We must tell them that a man cannot worship God and materialism. To claim to be able to do both is to deceive oneself. And it's a deception that separates a man from the repentance necessary to embrace the eternal life offered by Christ through His sinless life, sacrificial death, and death-defeating resurrection "No man can serve two masters." "You shall have no other gods beside me."

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Prayer for Wisdom

Often I don't pray for the promised wisdom to understand the purpose of my trials. Why? I don't want to know what He is trying to change in my character in order to make me more like Him. I'd rather just muddle along complaining to Him about my circumstances than surrender to His pruning. I like me the way I am, and I certainly don't want to pay the cost of transformation. Being "doubled minded" is what the Scripture calls that. Pretending to be spiritual and shouting how much I want to be more like Him when I really wish He would just leave me alone. The good thing is that He loves me too much to leave me alone. The misery is my doing--not His. Let us ask in faith without doubting that He will not only show us what needs to be changed, but by the Spirit bring about that change when I surrender to the honing of the trial.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


One of the things that frightens me today is that we are allowing our children to live each day being constantly entertained. The result is a generation of surface thinkers who lack empathy for others. They live in an imaginary world where only happy endings or humorous endings are their reality. That becomes their criteria for placing a value on everything. What happens when that becomes their criteria for the serious study of Scripture? What happens when the "endings" in their lives are neither happy or humorous? What happens when they judge others--and respond to others--based on that criteria? I hope my fears are just the paranoia of an old man. I pray my fears are just the paranoia of an old man. A superficial church in thought and action will be a disaster for the church and the people the church has been called to reach for Him.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

No Other Gods

Jesus forced the rich young ruler to acknowledge his real god. Though he turned away, I am certain that he never forgot that conversation. What motivated Jesus to open the young man's eyes to his idolatry, and to the reality that his idol separated him from knowing God and from having eternal life? How deeply He loved him. It is not love to withhold the truth so as not to hurt someone's feelings. Speak the truth in love, but speak it. Our culture worships the same god the rich young ruler worshiped. We must tell them that a man cannot worship God and materialism. To claim to be able to do both is to deceive oneself. And it's a deception that separates a man from the repentance necessary to embrace the eternal life offered by Christ through His sinless life, sacrificial death, and death-defeating resurrection "No man can serve two masters." "You shall have no other gods beside me."

Thursday, December 5, 2019


One of my students asked me what to do about grief. I think my answer surprised him.
"First, grieve. Tears are a gift God has given us to let our sorrows flow from our hearts into the world. He weeps with us. Then, embrace your sorrow. A broken-heart--brokenness--is the greatest gift God has given me. When I embrace it as His gift to me, the embracing allows me--transforms me---into His likeness: "A man of sorrows." In a hurting, sin-stained, sorrowing world, He was the most compassionate, caring, encouraging, accepting, forgiving--loving--man that ever walked this earth. To be just a little more sensitive to those around me, I must embrace my sorrow. I must pray for Him to give me a heart sensitive to those around me who are hurting--so sensitive that they can never pass me by without my reaching out to them as He permits. He humbled me and broke my self-centeredness thirty years ago. I pray He never heals my brokenness. May His heart of sorrow for a broken world and broken people be my heart day-by-day. "Oh, to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer."

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reflections from November 2019

God responds to our prayers in the same way that He calls us to respond to the words of others--quick to listen. slow to speak, slow to anger. And when He speaks it is in the still, quiet voice of love.

If I truly love Him, His commands are not a burden or a duty, but a joy.  How can showing Him I love Him be a burden?

The Father loved us so much that He sent the Son.  The Son loved us so much that He died in our place.  The Spirit loves us so much that He dwells within us and has sealed us for the day of Christ Jesus.

Hugs are good.

We can sin by our actions.  We can sin by our inaction.

Half-truths are whole lies--even when the half-truth is "expressed" by the omission of the whole truth.

Genuine gratitude and thanksgiving is always accompanied by action.  Words are not enough.  Necessary but not enough.  Show your gratitude for others with deeds of love.

The fruit of the Spirit are action verbs.

To know Him is to love Him.  To love Him is to obey Him.  To obey Him is to live the life of faith that pleases Him.

When I struggle with finding the will of God in difficult times, I know one thing I can do to remain immersed in His perfect will:  "in everything give thanks for this is the will of God."

I am thankful--and amazed--that the God who created the universe--the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God--knows me by name.  I am His beloved child.  Such a merciful, gracious, personal God.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who Is Like Jehovah

I love the meaning of the prophet Micah's name: Who is like Jehovah. Oh, it's not a question with the obvious answer: Nobody. It is instead a shout of praiseful wonder. Time again he had seen God at work in ways beyond His understanding, in ways so totally unexpected, in ways that took his breath away. So it is that at those times in our life when God works His wonders in ways that surprise and amaze us that we just pause, and our heart cries out in praise "Who is like Jehovah!" As the hymn states He wears so many forms of love that He is always surprising us with more and more evidence of how wide and deep and high and incomprehensible is His love for us. We can't hide from His love. We can't doubt His love away. He always "finds" us, lavishes His love upon us, and proves once more His lovingkindness for each of His children. The older I grow, and the more I've seen and experienced His love and work in my life and in the life of those I know and love, the more my heart in awe cries out "Who is like Jehovah. He "pardons our iniquities" He "passes over" our rebellious transgressions. He "casts all our sins" into "the depth of the sea." Our God "delights in unchanging love."

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving at The Acres 2019

It was a good break at The Acres. Almost got everything finished--two small remakes to complete. Hey, I have to have something to do in December. And I needed to work on my procrastination skills.
Loved the rainy days. My pond needs about six to eight inches before it freezes up. Have to have plenty of room for my goldfish to sink deep for the winter and stay warm. They are up and about every day lately. Cold weather lovers I guess. Sluggish, but up and about. Orange clouds in the water. Perfectly still--but they can disappear in a second.
Had the duck dinner with part of the family. Sadly, the other part had to work. Duck, dressing (fake), veggies provided by Brad. He's becoming a chef. And they took the hour to drive to my place!!! Can't beat that. Even Dumb Animal hung out with us for awhile giving us her opinions on the state of the world. Good conversation and shared love. Isn't it amazing that you can just quietly sit in a room with those you love, and it's a delight. Never underestimate the joy of presence. Or fail to take advantage of it. Who knows what a day will bring--let alone another year until another Thanksgiving with family. Got my Christmas stuff up . Takes a second to say and a second to do. My trees are outside. God will decorate them with snow. And the stars make great ornaments. Use the moon for the top of the trees. So easy to do. And gorgeous. And then after December's celebration, two months until the crocus and orchard iris and snowdrops start signalling that spring is on the way.
The best part was being outside almost every day. The tragedy was the loss of the main part of the Sentinel. Fell in the Bog thankfully. It was huge! The wind has provided a haven of rest for some creatures who like to live in the swamp. Someday maybe, or maybe not, I can just hide out at The Acres year around. Until that becomes His will, I will by His grace keep trying to somehow show young people His love and His grace and how--whether they like it or not--He wants their minds filled with His truth and their lives filled with His grace. Discipleship we call it. Loving the Lord with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength is the calling of each of us--regardless of our age.
Thank You, Lord, for a joyous week at the haven you've given me. Empower me each day to take your presence with me into the classroom. May Christ be seen in me. And remember a thankful heart is spontaneous in the daily life on one filled with the Spirit.