When the devil has you paralyzed thinking about your past--all those failures and mistakes; things you shouldn't have said or done and things you did say and do . . . When the devil has you paralyzed thinking that what God has called you to do today seems impossible--and maybe even irrelevant . . . When the devil has you paralyzed fearing a future that can't help but be a disaster . . .
There is only one thing to do: Obey. Live a life of obedience today.
Ask all those faithful saints from the past who are now resting in His presence what He can do with yesterday's trials and failures. How do I ask them? Is that a Bible I see on your desk?
Remember the only way to run the marathon of the Christian life is one step at a time. It is impossible to run it any other way. The journey Home is made up of single steps. And millions of faithful saints have already arrived at the "finish line." Triumphantly. How'd they manage it? How did they get there? You know.
Rejoice! (yes, that's an exclamation point!) Each day has been given you for that very purpose--to rejoice and be glad in it. And He has promised you all the strength you need for this day. And wait until you cast that net one more time. "Master, we haven't caught a thing all day and all night; nevertheless, at Your word we will cast it one more time." The abundant life He has called you to is one filled with overflowing nets. So cast away--He has the fish ready, right where He wants them, when He wants them there.
The future? Here's what the future holds for His children: you will see Him; you will be transformed into His likeness--immortal and incorruptible; you will forever be with Him; you cannot even begin to imagine all He intends to do for you in the eternity to come--it's so marvelous that it's impossible to put into words. I think your future may be okay.
Don't be paralyzed by the enemy's lies. Be energized by the omnipotent God's promises. Your Father's promises.
"Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same. All may fail but Jesus never, glory to His name." A dance of exalted joy is permissible. And if your feet can't manage it, your heart and mind and lips sure can.
Loving obedience to the promises is the cure for the paralyzing fear of the lies.
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