Saturday, December 21, 2019


If I fail to show grace to those who have disappointed me (including myself)--and often have no idea that they've disappointed me . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are saying one thing about their dedication to and love for Christ yet doing things that suggest that that can't possibly be true (remember as someone has said, "we can never see our own face.") . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who have failed . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who have deliberately hurt me and betrayed our friendship . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are apathetic toward their walk with Christ . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who refuse to admit that they are sinners in need of a Savior--they are quite sure (if not adamantly sure) that they are good enough to please God . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who immaturity reveals that they are--believe it or not--immature . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are not Christians and thus act as if they are not Christians (can you imagine that?!) . . .
If I fail to show grace to those who disagree with me on certain issues (disagree with me!!!) . .
If I fail to show grace to those who are not living up to my expectations . . .
Then, as someone has said, "I know nothing of Calvary's love."
"Grace 'tis a charming sound" the old hymn states. How charming are you?

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