Christmas morning at The Acres. Up early--the Alarm Clock insists. Watched the light of day emerge. Breakfast--eggs, sausage, and English muffin. Orange juice to drink. Never fear the Pepsi came a tad later! Slow and quiet beginning to the day--perfect for The Acres.
My Lap Top and I spend part of the morning admiring our feathered friends at breakfast. The only service she can provides is purring. Christmas bells were provided by the blue jays. I don't know what you would call the staccato of the chickadees. My tree ornaments keep moving from tree to tree to the patio. None of them break when they "fall." Reds, olive greens, black and whites, a touch of yellow in the tails of the goldfinch when they fly off, purples, slate blue gray of the nuthatches, lots of browns, white vees as the snowbirds take flight. Yes, my ornaments are always on the move. And I never have to put up or take down the trees.

I do have a little tree that stays decorated year round. I set it up when I read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve. A memory tree if you will. Some of the ornaments on that tree have to be over a hundred years old--maybe the tree itself. Add a few candles (Hanukkah candles!), and it creates a beautiful aura especially with the lights turned off. Can't leave it up long--someone I know likes to play with dangling things.
The morning walk was peaceful. Nothing, of course, is blooming--a couple of months til that starts up again. But I'm sure they're thinking about it. Greens, though, everywhere--firs, pines, blue spruce, Lenten rose, grasses. Blue-gray sky. Browns and blacks and whites. The pussy willow by the pond is already budding. The pond itself is ice-covered.
I love my Christmas at The Acres. The silence. The calm. The subtle colors. The movement and brightness of my feathered friends. Even the purring of my Lap Top. Serenity is probably the best word to describe my morning. The Creator who is my Savior always makes His presence known here The Acres. The King is on His throne.
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